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"lino-hyung! how do i fix my foot?" jeongin asked lightly, as he demonstrated his posture when he danced, to show his problem. minho went over and helped out the younger.

"eh? where's channie-hyung?" jisung asked, looking around. everyone else quickly swifted their heads to find their leader, only to await nothing.

"ill go check on him." felix said, and went out to his dorm. he walked quietly, breathing against the cold air of november with his hands in his jacket. "ah, fuck the cold." felix mumbled, quiet enough so no one around him could hear.

at last, felix arrived at the dorm, and knocked gently. "channie-hyung? mate? you alright in there?" felix spoke quietly, before the door opened, meeting a short brunette who had blood over his mouth. and, petals..?

"ah- lix i-"

"channie-hyung are you okay!?" felix arose in a panic, his fingers lightly skimming chan's cheek. as he did so, a trail of ruby blood followed his finger, staining it with the cherry colour.

"yeah i- uh.. come inside lix, i need to talk to ya." chan whispered, as he went to the kitchen to wash off his mouth.

"what's wrong channie? why do you have... petals and blood on your mouth?"

"hanahaki disease." chan muttered, his thumbs overlapping eachother in symptom of his nervousness to open up.


"the disease of throwing up flowers that's growing in your lungs when you have a crush on someone but they don't like you back." chan spat out, looking at felix with a hurt expression. his eyes started to water as he looked at the freckled, who was comprehating chan's words.

"oh, oh." felix pitifully looked at him. "minho. wasn't it..?"

chan burst into tears.

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