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"step-out, hello, we are stray kids!" jisung, the new leader, called out, all the other kids bowing down in unison. the crowd cheered and lit their lightsticks.

"so, we are here, to celebrate our ex-member's birthday, who had passed away 3 years ago. we all remember and loved him dearly." felix started, tears already brimming his eyes. stays, in respect, lowered their lightsticks, and bowed their heads

two minutes of silence. as a respective action.

after the two minutes, they played a video.

on the screen, came up bang chan, their ex-leader and long-gone beloved. all the members smiled, tears hidden beneath their eyes as they watched the memories they had with chan.

his 12th birthday, his audition for JYPE, his production stage, him singing, and just, him. bang chan, the one everyone had loved, was gone, and missed.

one moment, was when chan was leaning over minho's shoulder, pouting for food. it was an intimate moment and minho laughed quietly, slowly missing the boy even more. he and jisung had been dating ever since, but it wasn't the same without chan.

him loving jisung, minho had to sacrifice chan in the process. he was forever guilty of it. and there was nothing, absoluetly nothing, to make up for it.

chan was like the sun to minho's flower growth. a need and a want, to live happily.

minho had to step backstage, and excused himself. the members nodded and stays were also understanding. most of the fans were crying, and had to also step out the stadium.

backstage, minho sat in his changing room, looking at the past photos he took of him and chan. in his favourites, was one 8 years ago, a litrle while after their debut, when they took a selfie with a few cats in a cat cafe. a grey cat, that resembled chan. he had the cat up close to his face, a happy grin placed onto it.

oh, how minho missed chan.

it isn't helped that, he started to love chan. but he loved jisung too. he always has.

"lino-yah." the voice came from the room, as minho turned around. a chan. chan?!

"c-channie-hyung?" minho whispered, trying to stand, his legs losing strength. minho was going crazy. he's seeing his dead... crush, in front of him. chan smiled and held minho's hands, ghost orbs fluttering around chan's aura. only then, did minho realise that it's all real.

"i'm sorry... i realise that.. i love you too..." minho silently mumbled out, tears flowing down his eyes.

"you don't love me dummy, you love jisung. now go out there and help the others. jisung's crying his heart out." chan grinned, and placed a soft, ghostly kiss on minho's forehead. "i don't think i'll get to see you again, so... i guess, see you lee minho." chan smiles, his shade slowly disappearing. "i love you."

"bang chan... i love you.. too..!" minho rambled out, trying to hold chan, but only ended up going through the boy. minho stepped back, wiping his tears with the sleeve of his jacket.

chan slowly disinegrated, but something fell from his dust as he disappeared. the boy looked down and gently picked it up, his warm tears travelling on top of his sad smile.

it was a purple petal.


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