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Hello, this is JYPE.

We are here to inform you that unfortunately, Stray Kids member Bang Chan has passed away from an illness, and will not be able to be in the group anymore.

We apologize to all STAYS who dearly admired him, and we give our biggest regards to his family and friends.

JYPE will hold his funeral at 23/11/23, to remember Bang Chan. Please pay your respects, to let the members and family mourn.

Bang Chan has met the stars, and is no longer astray.

Thank you.


"chan..." minho cried out, holding the coffin's rim. a sleek, golden brown that was curved with gold lines. "i'm sorry..."

the kids cried, felix hugging changbin as felix cried into changbin's chest, the older staring upwards to stop his tears. seungmin and jeongin holding hands as their tears fell, hyunjin behind minho, rubbing circles on his back as jisung closely held minho.

chan's parents wailed, crying out for him as hannah and lucas, his siblings, stood in mourning, lucas being held close by hannah.

they kept his disease a secret from everyone except his family, who were absolutely distraught. everyone, wasn't the same, without the bang chan.

laid on the coffin, as it was moved down towards the hole in the ground, was a bouquet of purple blooms.

the exact one's that grew out of him.

the exact one's that are minho's favourite.

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