Twelve-What Makes You Beautiful

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Finally! The new update! I think I took long enough to do that!

Sorry, I was too busy getting mad at Erin and her cliff-hangers. :D You should read it. There are a lot of cliff-hangers so watch out!

Anyways, this is gonna be about the first music video they created, What Makes You Beautiful. That might not be the first one but I'm still learning about one direction O.K?

I skipped the part about them going up step by step (you know what I mean! Step by step to their fame!!!!) and sorry if you were waiting for that part.

I need an Idea, what should I do for my next chapter? I'm blanked out!!!

Well, Enjoy my story!


My brothers were keeping a LOT of secrets from me lately.

I don't know why.

Louis stop being too immature, Harry stopped his poop jokes (his is like, the best!), Liam just ordered a spoon on line to carry it everywhere with him, Zayn rarely cared if his blond streak looked lik a thing and Niall ate less.

What was wrong with them?

March slowly passed and then one day, Liam announced that they were going to the beach far south.

"What? Why?" I say. Beaches are for losers as they always say.

"For our first music video!!!" Louis screamed.

There was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it!" Niall said. He opened the door to reveal three hyper girls around the age of sixteen. They were wearing a ton of makeup.

"Hello?" Niall said uncertainly.

"OMG! IS IT REALLY YOU?" the girl with too much foundation squealed.

"Uhhh ... "

"It is!!! 'Migosh! It's Niall!" the girl with too pink cheeks said.

She pronounced Niall, knee-all. Niall hates that. A lot.

"It's Ni-" he began but the third girl with lipstick that went past her lips interrupted him.

"Look! It's Louis! And Harry and Zayn and Liam!" she cried.

Mom wasn't home that day so we didn't invite them in.

Harry was annoyed that they pronounced his bro's names right.

This is how they said it:

Louis: Lou-iss

Niall: you already know!

Zayn: Zaan.

Liam: Lee-am

Harry: Harry. (they said that right!)

The three girls were still squealing until Niall said,"excuse me, but you pronounced our names wrong."

"And we hate that" Harry said seriously.

Liam added,"why did you come to see us?"

The lipstick girl said,"we saw you on the x-factor and you guys looked so hot!"

After an awkward conversation, my brothers packed up to go. They said I could go with them. I said no because I didn't want to interrupt whatever they're doing.


Let's go crazy, crazy, crazy 'til we see the sun, I know we've only met but let's pretend it's love! and never, never, never stop for anyone tonight let's get some and li-

My phone was ringing.


"Erin!" It was Harry.


"Er ... yeah ..."

"What is it?"

"O.K. Well, we're making a music video ..."


"We don't want you to miss out on stuff."

"But since I'm not there, how ..."

"Just ... Er... listen in the phone."

Well, that's what I did!

There was a rustling noise. Well, A LOT of rustling.

Finally, it started.

"You're insecure, I don't know why ..." Liam started.

They were pretty good but they keep on messing up.

"Person, you light up my world like somebody else, the way you flip your chair gets me excited ..." Harry sang. Weird how they were the ones who wrote this!

"CUT! You got the words mixed up!" someone said.

That went on for a long time.

Well, after they came home, Harry just realized that he didn't turn off his cell phone and he had his bill in a week. His piggy bank (yes, he still has one though it's shape like a cat) had like, $15. The bill? $120.

I sighed.

What funny brothers.


Well that's it.

I'm sorry!

I didn't write a long chapter but I don't have time! Sorry. I'll make an extra long chapter later on sometime to make it up to you!

So any ideas on what the next chapter should be about?

And sorry if this chapter is boring. That's why I'm asking for Ideas ;)

Crazy Brothers ... Or Brother Crazy? UNDERGOING EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now