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"i saw you touching her! i know what i saw!"

"i didn't do anything with her, y/n, stop being dramatic!"

currently Matt, my boyfriend, and i were yelling at each other because i saw him all over his ex girlfriend. i know i shouldn't be jumping to conclusions, but i know what i saw.

"i'm not overreacting, Matt, i saw what was going on between you guys!" i screamed at him. my heart was shattered because he told me he would never do such a thing to me.

"yes you are! i'm done with this. when you've calmed down, call me. i'm going to see Nick and Chris." he scoffed and walked away to the front door.

that's when i cracked. tears started pouring out of my eyes. i was sobbing uncontrollably for a few hours before i sucked up the tears and got up off the floor. i walked over to the table and picked my phone up. my finger hovered over Matt's contact, debating if i should call him.

after about 2 minutes, i decided to call him. after a few rings, he picked up.

"hello?" i heard through the phone.

"Matt, hey." i said softly.

"everything okay?" he asked concerned. i nodded my head even though he couldn't hear me.

"yeah. i just wanted to call to apologize. i'm so so so sorry for jumping to conclusions. you didn't deserve that at all, Matt. i'm such a bad girlfriend. i just what you to know i'm so sorry. i hope you can forgive me." i rambled on.

"it's okay. i forgive you. just please don't do that again." i could've sworn i heard a small smile coming from him when he said that.

i smiled a small smile before happy tears spilled from my eyes.

"come home. please." i pleaded.

"okay." and with that, he hung up the phone.


it's been about 15 minutes since the phone call. i was starting to get worried because what if he didn't actually forgive me. my thoughts were cut off when i hear a knock on the door. i immediately stand up from the couch and run over to the door. i opened the door to reveal a soaking wet Matt in the rain. i chuckle to myself before letting him inside.

"hey." i smiled a small smile to him. he returned the small smile back.

i got a towel from the bathroom and handed it to him. he dried himself off quickly.

"let me get you some dry clothes." Matt nodded and put the towel in the laundry room.

i grabbed some of his clothes that he left at my house and walked back out of my room. i walked over to him and handed him his clothes. he walked into the guest bathroom and changed his clothes.

about 5 minutes later, he walks back out with his wet clothes and walks to the laundry room and puts them in his laundry basket. yes, he has a laundry basket. he basically lives here. anyway, he walked back over to me and we just stood in an awkward silence.

"thank you. for believing me." he suddenly spoke up.

"yeah, of course. i'm sorry i acted like such a bitch." i looked down at the ground.

"hey. it's okay. we all have our moments. just don't let it happen again. okay?" he walked over closer to me.

"okay." i nodded and smiled up at him.

i put my head on his chest and he wrapped his arms tightly around me.

"i love you." he mumbled into my hair when kissing my head.

"i love you more."

i need a matt.

i'm not dead 😀

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