Entry #1.5- Hidden Talents

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I woke up. My head felt like it was spinning 5 different directions at once, like if i were to stand up I'd just fall right on my ass if I tried. There was a ringing in my ears that flooded my hearing to a point that made me more sick and nautias than I already was. My vision was also pretty foggy for a good while, the only thing I could make out was colors and very fuzzy shapes that I could't distinguish even if I tried. I was on a bed with some kind of cooling pad on my head, and after I could finally hear again, I could hear 2 voices speaking in a different language that couldn't understand. I took the pad off and sit up, me now seeing Aries and some other piglin talking to her. He had on brown and red camo pants, a belt, and a red shirt that matched the color of the red stone. His tusks were also a little bigger than Ember's, as well just bigger in general. He had a chip taken out of his ear also with 2 or 3 peircings in each ears. 
Aries finally ended up noticing me and stopped her conversation with the other Piglin. She gave him a glare for a quick moment and made eye contact with me. She was nervous. "Good morning, Vex. Are you feeling ok?" I thought for a minute and nodded. "Yeah. Feeling wonderful. Who's that?" Aries looked at the Piglin, who didn't respond when I asked, he really just gave me a weird glare and huffed at me. Aries ended up taking the responsibility of responding. "This is Pyrite. He was the one I mentioned when I brought you here. He just came back from his training." Pyrite looked me up and down and put his ears back in an aggressive manerism. "And I'll be fucking damned if I figure out you're with one of those freaks!" Aries nudged him to try to get him to control himself, but that only made him more mad. His response was to shove her hand off of him, in the process accidentally cutting her wrist with his hoof. I wasn't going to tolerate that shit. I felt my pupils narrow at on instinct, the hiss carrying out as I spoke. "The fuck is your problem, asshole!?" I felt myselt reaching out to get in between them from the bed.
Except, my hand felt..ligter then it did earlier. I glance at it and I saw it. My hand had turned into a bunch of red scribbles, still keeping the shape of my hand but now just...scribbles. I made a hushed yelp and sat back down on the bed, my heart beating faster than I thought was even possible. Pyrite stepped away from me, giving Aries a look that I could assume was an 'you're fucking crazy' glance. Aries closed her eyes after seeing his glare and put her own ears down. When she did...it felt wrong.
I know I haven't known her very long, but she had this energy radiating off of her at all times. It was strong and independent, like she always knew what she was doing and how she was gonna do it. But when Pyrite was around...when.. I did that. She was unsure. She was weary and unsertain. She was nervous. She was scared.

Aries opened her eyes and looked back at Pyrite

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Aries opened her eyes and looked back at Pyrite. She spoke in Boreish in an attempt not to scare Vex more than he already was. "Pyrite. If you are going to be immature and afraid of him, you are more than welcome to step outside for a minute while I talk to him. Am I understood?" Pyrite took a minute to think and huffed but made sure to glare at Vex on the way out one last time. Aries sighed and took a minute to re-evalulate Vex's mental and physical condition. The scribbles had gone up from his hand all the way up to his forearm. His eyes were going back and forth from squinting and trying to find a way to stop hypervenalting to looking at his hand and at Aries, doing that only causing him to panic and breathe faster. Aries put her ears back up and slowly and cautiously sat next to him. "Hey, it's okay, lass, he's gone. You're ok." He opened one of his eyes to look at her again, noticing her attempt to calm him down. He wasn't able to respond right away, but the scribbles that were quickly moving around each other seemed to slow down but not disappear. "Would you mind if you breathed with me just for a second?" Vex opened all of his eyes for a second and made an attempt to relax a little "O-Okay" She took a 4 second breathe in, held it for 7, and exhaled it for 6. Vex repeated after her, looking at her hand count down the seconds for both him and herself. As they breathed together, the scribbles in Vex's hand started to slow down even more. The scribbles started to come together like they were a fabric that held him together. When they came together, his arm stayed the same bright red as the scribbles for a second, the orginal color slowly faded in from the part of his arm that wasn't affected. Vex watched the color of his arm fade back, his pupils finally finding a right adjustment after a minute. Aries watched it as well, but started to hold a concerned expression. "Vex," He looked up from his arm, jumping but still stayed calm."Do you have any recolection on how that wound got on your arm?" He shook his head. "No, I don't. What I said before this still applies now, all I remember is waking up on the floor and that's it. If you have any kind of answers on what just happened, that would be great." Aries paused and looked over at a book that was on a table a few feet away. "I can't promise I do, but I did find a book that might relate to your situation." Vex perked up a little and leaned in a little. "Okay, I'm listening" Aries smiled at him and got off the bed to get the book that was on the table. "Alright then, if you say so." She opened it and turned to a page that she had bookmarked with a pencil and sat back on the bed. The book looked like it was incredibly old, the cover made of old and scratched brown leather, and the pages yellowed and worn, some of the pages ripped out and torn. The page she turned to had a pentegram drawn in ink on top of the words that was already written. "Im not entirely sure what its supposed to mean, but to me, it sounded quite similar to you." Vex picked up the book and started to read it, noticing the page before it being ripped out

" Vex picked up the book and started to read it, noticing the page before it being ripped out

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              After the ceremony, the
Branded will be granted a gift by the hands of our God. The gift will alter the appearance of the Branded in he or she's after life, the most common representing an animal such as a fox, rabbit, bear, wolf, spider, ect... The Branded will also commonly be gifted with extra gifts to guide their chosen spirit. These gifts will present itself as things like shape-shifting, increased strength, floating, indestructibility ect... However, being apart of the Branded species is not all what we may praise their gifted lives to be. When some get to high stress mood, they will sometimes appear to deform and dematerialize into some kind of unique thread or object depending on the Branded being. If your Branded guardian isn't doing what was intended from our lord, they have the ability to submit when given food, objects of clothing, toys, and other privileges gifted by the Chosen Spirit. Most do not remember their old lives to prevent anything getting in the way of he or she's Chosen Spirit. Chœ-

The next page had a stain that made it too hard to read what came after. Vex slouched back in his chair and sighed thinking about what he just read "So..you think I'm...branded?" Aries looked down at his shoulder and shrugged "Well, what else do you think that might be?" Vex pulled up his sleeve to reveal the fresh pentegram wound. "But..why would it give me powers..er..gifts I guess. And who is supposed to be a 'Chosen Spirit'?" Aries shrugged again "Not sure. But, I don't think there's a lot of people that just turn into scribbles and don't remember how they wind up in a new world." Aries looked over at the window to see that it's gotten darker outside. "I guess it's gotten pretty late. I suppose we'll work on discovering what you can do in the morning, yeah?" Vex nodded and looked at the cut that Pyrite gave her "Dose...he normally do that?" She looked a little surprised but gave a nervous smile "Well...not always. He's had a bit more of a temper since he's started military training. He's only put his hands on me once or twice but I'll work on it with him" Vex looked down then at her with a concerned expression "Don't..Don't let him do that again. I don't he had the right to do that to you." Aries smiled at him and started to walk to the "I won't. I promise."

I have a feeling she won't keep her promise. Pyrite doesn't give me a very good vibe, I honestly don't think he ever will. But I guess time will tell. I'm not sure how I feel about that book..about anything really. I guess I'll just use this journal as an excuse to complain about everything I get into in this house. Anyways, I guess I need to stop writing for today. Hopefully the next day will at least be a little less confusing...probably not though.

Closing off,

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2023 ⏰

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