Jealousy -part 3

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No time skips, just a continuation :) This will probably be the last part, I hope you enjoy it!

Tw. violence. 

After talking to Heather, Hiccup went back to his hut. Still, he wasn't in a good mood, but he was relieved that he had someone to talk to. 

Astrid was already laying in their bed, sleeping peacefully. Hiccup also jumped into his pajamas. ''Good night milady,'' he smiled. About half an over-thinking hour later, Hiccup was also asleep.

Time skip to tmrw

Astrid was already gone when he woke up. Hiccup groaned. He longed to spend a morning alone with his betrothed. Around 9 am, Hiccup went to the great hall. He saw the gang laughing, and Erik flirting with Astrid. ''Please Astrid, don't be so blind,'' he kind of prayed. Suddenly Hiccup felt a warm hand on his shoulder, ''Heather!'' he smiled, ''Oh you don't know how happy I am to see you.'' 

''Same goes for me, I really can't stand this a minute longer, let's sit somewhere else,''  she fake puked, Hiccup rolled his eyes and laughed. After the two of them were done eating, Hiccup went to the forge. He needed to help Gobber make saddles if he wanted to or not. ''Morning lad, have you seen Astrid, boyo?'' Gobber smiled. ''Actually no, she's too busy with that Erik guy. Gobber rolled his eyes, ''Ahh don't worry, she only has eyes for you,'' he winked. 

''Gobber really, this is different. Astrid and I barely spoke yesterday,'' Hiccup sniffled. Gobber's jaw dropped. ''Aye, I'll talk to Stoick about this,'' Gobber looked serious. ''No, no, no, please don't,'' Hiccup smiled. ''I will handle this myself,'' he said before starting on a saddle.

Time skip to around 6 in the afternoon

Today Toothless was finally allowed out of Gothi's dragon stables (it's something like what they have at the defenders of the wing) after Hiccup's shift at the forge he walked straight towards the stables. Accidentally, Hiccup bumped into someone. ''Oh my gods milady, you scared me,'' he kissed her on the cheek. ''Gobber is looking for you,'' he smiled.

''Thanks, Hiccup, I hope your day wasn't too rough. I'll head for the forge right now then!'' She winked at him and waved goodbye.

Erik scoffed. ''Argh, I still don't know what she sees in you scrawny talking fishbone,'' he rolled his eyes. ''Not to mention your nothing, you've lost one leg, your father doesn't even love you as much as he loves me and you're just worthless,'' He grinned at him. 

Hiccup wasn't really impressed he had nastier shit thrown at his head, ''Listen up Erik, I've tried giving you a second chance, really I did. But you've just pushed me away, trust me that was a big regret. I know you didn't train a Night Fury, I know you haven't ridden a dragon and I personally know you really don't care for Astrid's feelings and just treat her like trash. I know she doesn't deserve that, she's my betrothed after all.'' Hiccup was relieved he finally said that.

''But for the best thing, I have done all of them,'' suddenly Toothless appeared from behind him. Erik looked flabbergasted, ''But- but that impossible,'' He gasped. 

''Oh really, I thought you said you trained a Night Fury yourself,'' Hiccup's grin widened. ''I actually do care for Astrid's feelings. And as you may or may not know this is still Berk, but I changed it for the better. I did the unthinkable, I trained one of the most feared dragons of all time, a Night Fury, my best bud, Toothless. It may seem like you got everyone wrapped around your fingers, but life around here doesn't work that way,'' Hiccup said seriously. 

Suddenly Erik punched Hiccup right in the face. A small trickle of blood came out of his mouth. Hiccup grunted and managed to dodge the next attack. ''Don't you have anything better than this, fishbone?'' Erik grunted.

''Uh- uh,'' Hiccup smirked, ''I have one little thing, that I like to call.'' Hiccup pushed Erik away from him, took out his Inferno, and made some pretty deep cuts,'' The element of surprise,'' Hiccup grinned while beating Erik up, ''That's for flirting with my girlfriend, and that's for trying to manipulate all of Berk, my people.

Hiccup heard something from behind the bushes, it sounded like whispering voices. He held Inferno against Erik's chin. ''Reveal yourself, now,'' he demanded. Suddenly, the gang including Heather appeared from behind them, they looked flabbergasted. ''Wow,'' the twins said in unison. 

''That was straight up amazing,'' Snotlout looked impressed. ''Hiccup, you're bleeding. You should probably go to Gothi,'' Heather advised. 

''No, get Astrid. I want her to know how Erik really is,'' he commanded. ''I'll get her don't worry. Snotlout, Snotlout, oi, oi, oi,'' He sang as he ran to the forge. 

5 minutes later

''Oh my Thor, Hiccup what happened to you?'' Astrid looked concerned. ''Long story, I will tell you everything later,'' he smiled softly. 

''Just let me go already, I did nothing!'' Erik scoffed. ''Not so fast, Erik,'' Snotlout grinned. ''You have a lot of explaining and apologizing to do,'' Erik tried putting on a fake innocent smile. ''Astrid really it's nothing.'' 

''Well I am not so sure about that at this point,'' Astrid looked mad. 

(A/n) A mad Astrid is a deadly Astrid ;)

''Okay fine, I lied about everything. And I don't regret a single bit,'' he leaned closer trying to kiss her. ''Oh I wouldn't do that if I were you,'' Tuff looked scared. Astrid held her axe to his throat, ''Okay, okay sorry,'' Erik whimpered.

''This conversation isn't over yet, and I will definitely discuss this with my father tomorrow, and he'll ship you off right away,'' Hiccup looked deadly serious at this point, after escorting Erik to his hut guarded by Stormfly. Astrid noticed Hiccup's hand, ''Hiccup, we should go to Gothi, Now. That cut is very deep,'' Astrid kissed his cheek.

''Fine, but only if you promise to never be so blind again m'lady,'' Astrid gave him her dead glare and then kissed him on the lips, it only lasted for a few seconds but it felt like home.

The next day

Hiccup and the gang discussed everything with Stoick, and he was furious at Erik. Of course, he got shipped away not an hour later. Deserved x

(A/n) It was fun and sad writing this, brought back a lot of shitty memories. Anyways my life is pretty much better than it ever was before, I finally finished this year of high school. I'm having summer-break atm, and I am going on vacation tomorrow as I am writing this chapter. (It's 2 am..) And I made some fun friends, that are hopefully feeling the same way and not letting me or each other down! Have a nice day/night my little nadders<3 The next chapter will be pretty fun to write, but it might take longer because I am also going to be horse riding on my vacation, there are stables so I am pretty excited about that too!

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