Trust me

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           MJ is braiding my hair into an updo for the spring fling. It's in four hours but we're going out to eat and take pictures. The pictures were Aunt May's and my mom's ideas naturally. Peter just texted me that my dad gave him around 50 million warnings to not touch me or even look at me during the dance. I can't help but laugh because Peter hasn't even asked me to the dance. MJ says he probably forgot but the dance is literally today. When MJ FINALLY finished my hair, I jump up from my chair to throw on my dress and leave to go to dinner with everyone.

           I'm walking downstairs when I see Peter holding a giant teddy bear and flowers for me and my heart melts. I break out into the happiest smile and run into him for a hug. I accidentally pushed him onto the floor and then promptly fell on top of him. He wrapped his arms around my neck and whispers "Will you be my date to the dance?" I pepper him with a million kisses as he smiles against them all.

          He helps me off the ground and I squint my eyes at him. "What took you so long to ask me?" A nervous expression quickly flashes across his face but then he explains that he had ordered the bear online and it just came in today.

        "You're lucky that you're cute." I smile as I tap his nose lightly and he grins.


           I'm dragging Eddie behind me as I run as fast as I can through the woods. He stopped screaming his lungs off a second ago which I'm grateful for because now I can attempt to hide us. I pull him behind a large tree and hold my finger to his lips to keep him quiet. "Listen, I know you're probably scared shitless and your trust in me has probably gone out the door....I'm going to need you to cooperate here." I whisper and he just stares at me in shock and it makes a smile form on my face.

            "You either trust me now and stay safe or don't and probably get killed." I say quoting what Peter said to me the day before I got my powers.

"I guess I trust you then," Eddie whispers and with that, I spot a lab guy walking near us and I use my powers to snap his neck nice and quietly. Eddie goes to turn his head to see what I just did but I grab his jaw. "Eyes on me Eddie," I say bluntly and grab his hand moving deeper in the woods.

"I promise I'll tell you what's going on when we're in a place where people aren't trying to kill us," I say quietly as I hold his hand in mine sneaking around trees.

           I start to feel his hand fade away in my grasp as I'm walking and I start to see the world around me changing. "What the fuck?" I whisper to myself and my eyes widen as I realize I'm on the battlefield. I'm in my home timeline and I see Peter in his suit swinging from debris. When he lands and sees me he rips his mask away from his face and tries to run to me but when his hand makes contact with my shoulder the world morphs. I look up and it's Eddie standing there instead of Peter. Did I actually go back or was this just a weird vision? I turn around into the darkness of the woods and say "Peter?" and Eddie looks at me like I've gone insane and rightfully so.

"You didn't forget my name that easily did you?" Eddie smirks as he pulls my face back to his. I stare for a brief second before regaining control of my wild thoughts.

           I completely ignore what he said."Do you know somewhere I can go without putting you in harm's way? I can't stay with you anymore if this keeps happening." I say quietly as I think we lost the lab men in the woods a while back.

Eddie turns his head quickly to me "What?! Are you crazy? You can't just leave! You could die!!" He whispers frantically. "And so could you." I poke my finger in his chest a little too hard and he rolls his eyes slightly.

"I know how to handle myself Eddie, you barely know me why are you so worried?" I ask quietly just in case we're not alone. That question seemed to shut him up and he takes my hand and starts walking out of the woods. We end up back at his trailer and the lab men are gone.

           "I know a place that you can stay, as long as you're okay with staying with a drug dealer," Eddie says as we get into his van. "Wait what?" Is all I can say before he speeds off away from his trailer and I quickly put the seatbelt on. "Is this guy dangerous?" I ask looking at him while he drives. He looks mad right now which I guess I can understand considering I almost got him killed.

"No, he's just a dealer...I've known him long enough." Eddie says in a tone that makes me stop asking questions. We pull into the driveway of a house by the lake that's pretty isolated from everything else in town.

            His van brakes pretty harshly and I lean forward from the force. "You can get out now," Eddie says to me still staring out of the windshield and avoiding eye contact. "Why are so upset right now?" I ask impatiently because I don't remember doing anything that would make him this angry.

"Y/n you're being selfish right now!" He turns to look at me and I'm shocked, to say the least. "Sel-" I start to say but he cuts me off "I know you've only known me for a week or two but you seriously can't expect me to let you go like this! To hell with those lab people. You can very clearly defend yourself so I guess I just don't understand why you want to leave me so badly." He rants and I'm at a loss for words.

"I didn't want to put you in danger," I say calmly as I look at him. "Danger? Y/n you have like telekineisis or some shit! You're more than capable to keep me safe if that's what you're worried about. Also, I'm not a child, I can protect myself if need be. Did this past week mean nothing to you?" He asks as his hands grip the steering wheel.

"Of course they did! I'm sorry okay?" I say and lean my head back on the seat and he starts driving back to his trailer.

            There are a few minutes of shared silence between us before he clears his throat and says. "So you have like superpowers or something?" He smirks and glances at me. "Shut up Munson," I reply quickly and laugh. I'm honestly surprised he's taking it so well but he kinda has to believe it considering he saw it with his own two eyes.


           Before we walk back into his trailer I look over to the one where I through the men into with my mind and I take a huge sigh of relief when I see that it was abandoned anyways. "They should be gone for a while I think," I say to Eddie referring to the lab men. He nods and sits on the couch with all the blankets he's been using to sleep there. I walk over to him and grab all of his things and walk them back to his room. "What the hell Y/n?" Eddie says as he trails behind me.

"You're sleeping in your own bed, whether you like it or not." I throw his blankets down onto his mattress and grab one for myself and walk out to the couch. He goes to protest but I slam his door shut with my mind and it makes him go silent on the other side of the door.

"Goodnight!" I yell down the hall and I hear him yell back almost instantly "Fuck you too!" and I laugh because I know he's not being serious. He's just mad that I'm sleeping on the couch.



Sup, here's this new chapter lmk if you guys like it and I'll start working on the next one. Sorry for the long wait but constructive criticism is always appreciated.

-K <3

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