Delfina Stacy

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Age: 18

Height: 6'4"

Weight: 145 lbs

Personality: Sweet and shy, but very blunt, doesn't care what people think of her, easy going, sarcastic

Likes: Sweets, colorful rocks, art, style, engineering, fruits, spicy food, video gaming, music, skateboarding, motorcycling

Dislikes: The morning, coffee, pictures,confrontation, being bossed around, lots of noises, being dirty

Extra: First language is Spanish, second of French, and the third is English, is very into fixing cars and machines like them, is very good at cooking and video gaming, is a professional violin player, has SH scars on her forearms and thighs, has a scar on her back that reads MISTAKE made by her parents, loves her motorcycle, has a sketchbook filled with drawing of people and scenery, skateboards around when she can't use her motorcycle, takes antidepressants and medication for her anxiety, is anemic, switches between her 3 languages alot, practiced ballet throughout her entire life as a way to get away from everything

Backstory: Defina was born into a family with her sister gwen and with 2 horrible parents, they both for very unstable and abusive, so, as a result, she grew up too fast and fending for herself. At the age of 10, her parents died in a car accident, and she left alone with her sister, leaving them to her mother's sister, who was verbally abusive and starved her for days. When she was 14 and in 8th grade, she was on a school field trip and got bitten by a radioactive spider, got her powers, trained, got her suit, and started her secret life of Spider-Fly.

Conon event: At 16, a villain who could control metal killed her sister, and she was supposed to capture him and return him to the police, instead, she brutally murdered him, and because of this, she became an anomaly. But, for some reason, her dimension didn't fall apart.
At 17, Peter B. came to her dimension to apprehend her because she was now an anomaly, but he instead decided against it and got to know her better and told her about the spider universe.

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