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Persona:Sweet but sarcastic, always making jokes, but serious when needs to be, she's hard working and isn't a big fan of law enforcement, most of the people she saves say that she's understanding and calming, they also say a way to repay her is through sweets or colorful rocks

Powers: 2 more sets of arms, can fly, poisonous fangs, claws, organic light green webs, spider sense, hearing and reaction time inhanced, incredibly fast, very smart, night vision, float- anything her middle finger and thumb touch will float, dream- she can put anyone and anything in a dream/nightmare about anyone or anything, fast healing, ultra flexible, she can communicate with animals, has shape-shifting, can summon any weapon she desires, can control air

Extra: always has secret headphones for her personal AI, her shoes have foam bottoms so she doesn't hurt her ankles when she lands from high places or flying, incorporates ballet into her fighting style, is feared by many because she doesn't show mercy, often times killing her targets, is also known to travel on a motorcycle or skateboard, she uses knives alot, mainly speaks in French and English

AI: Muvih- Multi Use Virtually Intelligent Helper

Spider-Fly:Spiderman PersonaWhere stories live. Discover now