part 3

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zira and her group lion go to the pride land but got there was long Hynes and they was in shock what they see they think Nothing of it keep go to rock thing when got there they seen dead simba lay on the ground zira asked her myself what the hell happens here but they get ready to go back they come they hear a voice said hello there.

Hello zira her turn around see who called her name shock see lion with red eyes and brown fur it have blood par and blood mouth who are you zira asked the lion just laugh in said how can you forget me zira sit there for minutes to think who is lion is when come in her mind name look at lion in said nala is that you lion laugh a again what happen to you zira asked oh nothing just changes up something nala said what did you do oh just killed the king and takeover of pride land nala laugh a again zira scary to say a another word into vitani in asked where is her daughter at nala look at her in smile at her in said oh they here right kid nala said zira and other lion see did glow green eyes and red eyes come out of the dark finally see three lion come dark with a smile on they face you is right mother how about we make a bet Nala said zira what is the bet say your and in your kid became for slaves or died Nala said in laugh zira think for a minute in takes a breath in out okay with become you slave zira said fabulous now your and your are slave now Nala said please pick up the one you want kid choose which one you want Nala said oh mother I take vitani mother said Kiara said I take kovu lion said in I take nuka kopa said it look like take you beautiful lion Nala said make zira blush come now it getting nighttime it time for go to sleep Nala said every lion lay down in the circle except for zira and her kid they with Nala and kid tell to lay at zira it'll be better tomorrow for rest.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24 ⏰

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