Ch. 1 - The Hogwarts Express

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Selene Black was proud to say that she had her life together, thank you very much. She had a wonderful job and a fantastic best friend; thus, she thought she was doing alright, considering the circumstances.

Selene was not normal, even amongst witches and wizards. With silvery-blonde hair, deep ocean-blue eyes, and starry tattoos that covered her from head-to-toe, she could be considered unusually stunning to the average person. She had also had the privilege of being the Astronomy professor at Hogwarts, a rare career that not many wizards or witches could say they had. Not only that, but her roommate and best friend was a werewolf, which was something that could definitely stir up anyone's living situation. However, despite all of this, Selene was very different for another reason, and that reason had to do with her last name.

Selene was a part of the ancient pureblood Black family, but only by marriage. Her husband was a real Black, and he was currently residing in the wizard prison Azkaban, imprisoned for a horrific crime that took place twelve years before. One could say that this bit of backstory would be enough to ruin anyone's life, but Selene always tried to look at the bright side. Currently, that meant packing up her belongings and returning to Hogwarts, since it was nearing the beginning of the school year. This year would be particularly exciting, considering that her best friend would be joining her at Hogwarts as a professor.

"What happened to my sweet Selene who would wake me up with kisses and an oh-good-morning-my-darling?" Remus' raspy morning-voice traveled down the stairs, followed by his padded, sock-covered footfalls. "I mean, the full moon was two days ago. Give me a break."

Remus' head appeared around the corner to the kitchen, dark circles under his eyes and his scruffy hair stuck up on one side. He rubbed his eyes furiously and let out a yawn.

Selene didn't respond, instead wordlessly sliding a steaming mug of coffee in front of him as he approached the kitchen counter, a nearly imperceptible smirk on her face.

Remus' eyes widened, flickering down to the mug, and then back up to Selene's face.

"Oh, good morning, my darling," Selene said in a sly voice. "Will that do?"

"Very well, thank you," Remus said, moving to press a kiss to the side of her face, before taking a seat at the nearest barstool at their kitchen counter. "So, any reason you decided to disrupt my slumber with your lovely yelling this morning?"

"It's September first, Rem," Selene said, her face splitting into a grin. "It's Hogwarts day!" She reached over to pour herself a cup of coffee. "Remus, isn't it exciting? Both of us back at Hogwarts again? It's just like old times! Aren't you excited?"

"I'm ecstatic," Remus deadpanned, before taking a sip of his coffee.

Selene rolled her eyes. "Just wait and see. You'll even get to meet Harry."

A small smile peeked over Remus' cup. "Yes, I suppose that is exciting."

"Even if we have to act like we barely know him," Selene huffing slightly, her tone beginning to drift into a more somber territory.

"Technically we do barely know him," Remus pointed out calmly, ever the voice of reason.

Selene frowned. "You know that's not how it was supposed to be."

Remus pressed his lips together. "No, Lily and James did not intend for you and their son to be estranged but... Selene, you know what Dumbledore said. Harry can't know that you're his godmother."

"So Dumbledore says." Selene muttered irritably.

Remus raised his eyebrows. "You know better than the supposed greatest wizard of our age?"

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