Ch. 62 - Stars and Mischief

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Christmas Day, 1977

"Lily, I'm panicking."

And she was indeed. Selene thought this was the most nervous she'd ever been in her life. She was pacing up and down the length of the large bedroom the Potters' had so graciously let her get ready in, clad in her pretty white wedding gown, and she was panicking.

"Selene, it'll be fine," Lily said gently. "Honestly, you'll burn a hole into the floor."

"D'you think this is how most people feel before they get married?" Selene asked quickly, ignoring her. She was breathing hard through her nose and fanning herself furiously. "Or just the ones in arranged marriages?"

"I'd say your feelings probably weren't unprecedented," Lily said. "Now would you come sit down so I can finish your makeup?"

"I think I'm too nervous to sit down," Selene said, frowning.

Both girls turned their heads sharply as the door to the bedroom swung open, and James Potter stuck his head in, his eyes covered with his hand.

"What do you want, James?" Lily asked flatly.

"Is it safe? Can I uncover my eyes?" James asked loudly. Without waiting for a response, he dropped his hand and peered through squinted eyes. With a sigh of relief, he opened them fully, grinning. "You look fantastic, Selene."

"Thank you, James," Selene said gratefully. Then, with her hands on her hips, she gave him an expectant look. "Did you need something?"

"No, but I was sent with a message," James said. "Sirius says to stop worrying."

"How did he —" Selene began, but James shook his head.

"I don't know, but by the look on your face, I reckon he's right," he said.

"Is he nervous?" Selene asked, allowing Lily to place some powder on her cheekbone.

James waved a dismissive hand. "You know Padfoot, confident as ever."

"He's panicking too, isn't he?"

"Probably in secret," James relented. "I'm sure he'll be getting drunk at your reception."

"I'd expect nothing less," Selene said.

James leaned against the door frame, his gaze shifting to the pretty redhead sitting in front of Selene.

"Beautiful, Lily," he said.

"I know," Lily said appreciatively. She leaned back to look at the makeup she had applied to Selene's face. "I think this is my best work so far."

"I meant you," he said quietly, the corners of his mouth upturning into a small smile.

"I haven't gotten dressed yet," Lily said, quirking a brow.

James shrugged. "I fail to see how that's relevant."

And with a smirk and a wave, he had backed out of the doorway and out of sight.

Lily breathed hard through her nose, rolling her eyes in exasperation. "He's incorrigible."

"He fancies you," Selene said.

Lily merely shook her head, but she didn't hide the small smile on her face.

The rest of the day passed by all too quickly, and soon, Selene found herself standing just inside the back door of the Potter House. Just outside that door, she knew Sirius was standing there in the Potters' large garden, with all of their friends and family, waiting just for her.

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