Ch. 28 - The Second Task

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Dearest Selene,

Hope you had a wonderful Christmas. I spent mine with Dad. I hadn't seen him in a bit, not since we had last gone over to see him together. He asked about you the whole time, and he was pretty angry with how I handled things. Then again, I'm sure you are too.

I can't explain to you enough why this is what's necessary. Just know it's in your best interests. I know you don't get it. I just don't want you to think it's because I don't love you.

I do, Selene, more than anything. That's why I can't be with you.

Anyway, I just wanted to wish you a happy Christmas.

Feel free to write back.

Yours completely,

R. J. Lupin

Dear Remus,

You're the biggest idiot I know.

I had an okay Christmas, but it would've been better with you. I'm glad you spent time with your dad though. Tell him I miss him.

Has Sirius filled you in on everything that's happening at Hogwarts? I'm sure you've seen the Prophet enough to know what's been going on. Harry did well with the first task. Harry doesn't make being a godmother easy by fighting dragons and participating in international magical tournaments, but I suppose he does keep life interesting.

They just had the Yule Ball, and he took a date... and then ditched her within the first half hour. I suppose there's a lot I have to teach him about girls. Anyway, the ball wasn't as fun as I had hoped. It would have been better with a date. You would've liked my dress, but you would have made fun of me climbing the stairs in my heels.

All my love,


Dearest Selene,

I would have loved to see you in your dress, and I bet you even looked beautiful while stumbling up the stairs in your heels. As for Harry, I fear I can't offer any help in the girl-department; it's obvious that it's not something I'm very good at.

I have been reading about the progress Harry has been making in the tournament in the Daily Prophet, though I must say, that Rita Skeeter is as nasty as ever. How does she manage to stay on as a reporter?

Aside from that, I've been writing Sirius, and he's been telling me all of the fishy stuff that's been happening at Hogwarts amidst the tournament. Have you heard anything else?

Yours completely,

R.J. Lupin

Dear Remus,

I'm afraid that my information isn't promising. Karkaroff and Snape have been seen conversing. They're as weird of a pair as I've seen, but if my suspicions are correct, then it hints at something much worse.

Remus... my Dark Mark is getting darker. I thought at first that perhaps I was imagining it, but now, I don't think so. I think I need to speak to Snape about it, as much as it pains me to do so, and see what he thinks.

I'm scared, Remus, but I'm trying to be brave. I wish you were here.

All my love,


Selene watched Hestia, her owl, fly off with this last letter, her eyes wide and her heart heavy. She and Remus had been writing more frequently since Christmas, though Selene couldn't say whether it was helping or hurting her. If she was honest, it was nice to confide in someone... but that person being Remus, there were just some things she felt she couldn't say.

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