Ch. 93 - The Unexpected News

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Selene's POV


For the fourth day in a row, Selene was woken up by the urge to vomit, and with great irritation, she threw herself out of bed and skidded to a halt in front of the toilet in the bathroom down the hall, upheaving the lovely dinner Molly had made the previous night. Though, to be entirely honest, it was never just the morning. It was also after breakfast, before lunch, after lunch, mid-afternoon, and just before bed.

Remus always dutifully followed her without a word, without any reluctance. He'd only say something after she'd finished and leaned herself up against the wall opposite the toilet, wiping the sweat from her face.

"Please, Selene, let me take you to St. Mungo's."

Her answer was always no. Later, she'd think it was because she was subconsciously already in denial.

"Come on, Selene," he said, the morning of the 31st. Harry's birthday. "I'm terrified that something's wrong with you, and – and it might be fine, but I'd just feel better if you – if you'd just –"

"No, Remus," she said stubbornly, watching the ceiling swim before her eyes. "It's just some nausea – just a headache. Maybe it's stress –"

"Stress from what, darling?" he asked, his tone clipped.

She gave him a sharp look. "Our son's of-age as of today, and then we'll go to this wedding, and then he's gone, for who knows how long, doing Salazar knows what. How are you not stressed?"

Remus sighed deeply at her words, and he slid to the floor next to her, his eyes closed tightly. "You're – you're right. I am worried about Harry, but – but I'm also worried about you, okay? So maybe nothing's wrong, but I wish you'd at least humour me –"

She pinched the bridge of her nose. See, in this moment, she felt perfectly fine, the nausea having ebbed away to nothingness.

"Please, Remus," she said warily. "Just leave it alone, all right?"

He looked desperately unhappy at her words, but he didn't push it. He only grabbed her hand and held it tightly.

Later, she'd think that he knew somehow in that moment, looking at the expression on his face. But that was silly. So utterly ridiculous. There was no way.

"Remus, darling, I hate to tell you, but I wiped my mouth with that hand."

It was a show of his love for her that he didn't let go.

"Happy birthday, Harry!"

Selene threw her arms around her son, hugging him tightly to her. Remus was just behind her, stifling his laughter as Harry choked out, "M-Mum, I can't breathe!"

"Sorry," she said, grinning as she stepped back. "I just can't believe our little Harry is seventeen! Look at you, of-age and all that!"

"We have something for you, Harry," Remus said, pulling out a small, neatly-wrapped box from behind his back. He handed it to him, and Selene looked between them and smiled widely, her fingers wiggling in anticipation. "I'm afraid it's nothing new, but – but it's special –"

Harry pulled the wrappings off, opening the box. Inside was a golden watch, but with stars circling the watch face instead of an hour and minute hand.

"It's traditional to give a wizard a watch when he comes of age," Remus said quietly, watching Harry hold up the watch and examine it. "This watch was – it was –"

"It was James'," Selene said softly, watching Harry's face change slightly, his eyes widening fractionally. "I've been holding onto it since you were a little boy... waiting for the day that you'd come of age... I'm afraid James didn't take great care of it, it's a bit dented on the back, but –"

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