camp nightmares

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Y/n's pov:

It's the morning of camp, and I'm just about to get on the coach

The whole gang was here

We were all talking about how we should seek out in the nights to talk as girls and boys were separated

Whilst I was talking to robin, I could feel someone staring

I know it was that girl

Urgh, why was she trying to start on me? She is literally irrelevant

We then get called on the coach, and I sit next to robin, and donna sits next to finney in front of us

The ride was quite long, but we got there in the end, and we walked off the coach

We got our bags, and we were waiting to hear what rooms we were in and who with

It's a two people tent

As expected, I was with donna


I didn't want it to be a stranger or something

We set up our tent and put our bags in there and left for activities

Our first activity of the day was team skills

Me, donna, robin, and finney were a team

We had to find certain numbers around a big forest with a map

If we find the numbers, we use it to unlock a box

And if we unlock our box before anyone else, we win

And I'm competitive, so we had to win

"So where does it say the next number is on the map?" Finney asked me as I was holding the map

"Ugh, it should be this way." I point to our left, and everyone follows

We find the next one, and then donna takes the map

Donna and finney walk ahead, leaving me and robin behind talking

As we talked, I could feel his eyes on me

I look back at him

He quickly points his head down

We got the last number, and we raised back to the box

We unlock the box and realise that the other teams were still looking for their numbers


that means we won

An adult walks over to us and tells us cause we won, we get 30 minutes after curfew

We patiently wait for the other teams
to come back

after we have lunch

Near the end of the day, we were all sitting down next to the campfire, just chilling when I saw the girl thar threatened me talking to robin, and they go somewhere

When he came back, I decided to ask about the girl

I found out her name was alina, and she was Robins ex buy they were still close

Damm it

We all had to go into our tents

And when me and donna knew the coast was clear, we met up with the others

It was quite far from the tents, and it was hard to see alot

Our only source of light was two flash lights

It was me,donna,robin,finney,alina, and some other people

So there was a fair amount of people but not too many

We decided to do dares

One of the guys that I didn't really know dared everyone to go in turns to kiss the best looking person in their opinion

Donna went for finney, and finney went for donna

No surprise there

Then it was my go

I stood up and walked towards robin

I kiss him on the cheek, but before I could leave, he whispered in my ear

"Don't tease me."

He then kissed me on the lips

And I walked back

I was so confused

And next was alina

And surprise, surprise, she kissed robin

Everyone else does theirs and last up it was robin arellano himself

I had a feeling that he might kiss me but the unexpected happend

He kissed alina


I thought he liked me

If he didn't, why would he of kissed me on the lips

I hate boys that give mixed messages

Finney and donna both looked shocked that he picked alina other me

After some dares, people started getting tired, and we all went back to our tents

When me and donna were in our tent, she asked me if I was okay

"Well, it's not like he is my boyfriend, so why should I give a shit." I mumble

"It's still not okay. He is clearly playing with your feelings."

I shrug it off and go to sleep

For the rest of camp donna reminded me to not to talk to robin and I did just that

I was pissed off

And I made him know that

He must be crazy if he thinks that I would just be ok with it

It was finally the end of camp

This probably the first time I would say this, but I can't wait for school again

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