Our mother?

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[ WARNINGS ] : boyxboy, incest, violence, swearing ;)

Luke and Jai lived in a big house in the middle of New York City until their 16th birthday. Their father was a rich man, but this also meant that the two boys were alone most of the time. They were not allowed to leave the house when their father wasn't there, mainly because their old man wanted them to focus on studying and becoming just as successful as him. Not that they mind, because they had everything they needed in the house. The two brothers did everything together. Literally everything. From opening doors to jerking off, because they are twins and that's what twins do. They just wanna help each other. They are after all one person. No one ever told them it was weird, because no one was ever there.

When Luke and Jai have to live with their brother and mother it's a bit awkward for sure.

"Where's Jai?"

"Helping Luke with something."

"But Luke's shitting."


[ ENJOY :) ]

"Guys, I gotta talk to you."

Luke and Jai joined their father in the living room. It didn't happen a lot that he was home in the middle of a week, but when he was they always spent time together. So yeah, the twins were excited when they heard the door open downstairs.

They smiled and asked. "What are we gonna do?"

"Are we going to McDonalds?"

"Or bowling? Dad, I really wanna go bowling!"

"Or can't we hire a..."

"Guys!" The eldest said loudly. "Just sit down for a bit okay?" He continued calmly.

Luke and Jai frowned, but did as told. They silently waited for their father to speak.

He breathed loudly. "Okay before I say it I need you guys to know how much I love you even though I haven't been around much. These past few months have been tough. You might have noticed."

Luke and Jai nodded.

"You're scaring us dad." Jai spoke softly.

"I need you guys to leave. I'm sorry, but I have no other choice."

Luke's eyes widened. "Wh-what?"

"I've talked to your mother and,"

"Our mother?" The brothers asked at the same time.

"Yeah... she will take care of you for a bit. We'll keep in touch, but I know I haven't been a good father for you. Especially these past few months. I wanna make it right. I love you boys. Your mother is gonna love you as well."

Jai missed half of what his father said. Their mother? For sixteen years their father never brought up her existence and now they gotta live with her? What's going on? He was scared. He was scared of what his father might say next. He's scared of leaving the house without his father around and even more he's scared of living in a house he's never been to before.

He relaxed a bit when he felt Luke's hand on top of his. He turned around and smiled a bit.

Luke was quiet as well. He never really thought about his mother. His dad never mentioned her so Luke didn't care about her. You could say the oldest twin looked up to his dad. So having to leave him scared him. Besides, he survived fine without his mother's help until now. He doesn't need a woman he never met for as long he can remember to take care of him and Jai. Sure, he noticed something was wrong. His dad came back home late. He always said he went to the gym though, which Jai and Luke believed since he showered every time. He was grumpy and looked tired even when he's asleep, but whatever it is, they can fix it as a family.

"No." Luke suddenly stated calmly after a long silence.

His dad looked at him questionly.

"We're not going anywhere without you alright! I don't know what's going on and why you're saying all this bullshit, but I'm not leaving."

"Yes you are Luke. And so is Jai. I'm sorry, but you don't have a choice. You're not an adult so it's either your mum or a stranger you're gonna be living with."

"NO DAD! IF YOU LOVE US YOU LET US STAY!" Luke was crying at this point.

Their dad kneeled down in front of his sons and placed a hand on both of their knees. "I am really sorry. Your flight leaves in two hours. You have to hurry."

"Why though?" Jai asked. "Why can't we stay? Are you sick? Are- are you dying?"

"What? No, Jai. It's just... I need some time for myself."

He couldn't say it. He had to, but he couldn't.

So he lied.

The twins weren't happy about it, but eventually walked to their room together. Their hands never seperated, as always.

"What's wrong with dad?" Jai wondered aloud as soon as they were in their bedroom.

"I don't know little bro, I really don't know."

Luke kissed Jai's cheek softly and closed their last suitcase.


Their father didn't show much emotion as he drove Luke and Jai to the airport. He told them his mother and brother Beau live in Melbourne. The teenagers would have asked about this Beau kid, but they didn't feel like talking.

Jai's head was leaning on Luke's shoulder and the brothers were having trouble to stop themselves from crying in the backseat of the car.

They arrived at the airport way too soon.

Their dad stayed with them for as long as possible. He didn't leave until security told him to. He hugged his sons one more time.

"Alright boys, I need you to be nice to your new family alright? I put some money on your bank accounts and I need you to spend it wisely." He couldn't stop the tears anymore as well. He quickly wiped them away before they could roll down his cheeks and smiled. "Alright one more hug and then you boys really have to go."

The hug ended after a good thirty seconds. Jai blinked the tears away and chuckled. "See you soon, dad." He said before taking Luke's hand in his and walking away. They looked back one more time and waved.

The old man nearly didn't wave back.

His son's words were stuck in his head.

See you soon, dad.

He needs to get better.


A/n: Okay let me know what you think?

Vote/Comment! I am really excited for this and hopefully I'm not the only one! If I am then ignore I ever posted this :) so please let me know if you liked it!


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