Character profile

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Name: (y/n) (l/n)
Age: 16
Hair length: [your choice]
Birthdate: [your birthdate]
Weight: perfect
Height: [sorry for all the tall girls but for the sake of the story your height is the same as Mikey]
Alias: Toman's First Lady
Hobby: reading, listening to music, (your hobby)
Occupation: fighter(former)
gang second vice president(present)
Mother name: (M/n) (l/n)
Father name: (F/n) (l/n)

Personality: (y/n) is a warm person and a caring one if you got to know her better. Sometimes plaster a smile when she's with her loved ones and tolerates anything that she find not bothersome. In another hand, when she's alone with an enemy or someone she doesn't like her smile drop and she become very stoic and cold-hearted, she does hesitate to beat them up or threaten them. A very sadistic person


Previous Life: (y/n) is a fighter and leads a gang on her own but soon disband them for unknown reason. Her parents tolerate everything she does and doesn't care what she do but sometimes correct her. She's not that wealthy nor poor but average. Her father works as a doctor while her mother is an artist. I'm school she's always in the top but she doesn't have any friends

Present Life: (y/n) is still on the top in school because her parents made her learn advanced lessons si ce they adopted her. Her parents are the same as her previous life but her father works as a CEO and her mother is a very known doctor and artist. (Y/n) is wealthy but she only use her money when she likes it and her parents respects her as she looks herself as an average person

•character profile will update as the story goes•

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