The Ancients...Once a mighty and powerful race, the Gods of the Universe were born for one singular purpose; to lead, protect and prepare the next race to take their place as the new inhabitants of the Realms. For eons, the Ancients watched over the Universe with, all that remains of their race is scattered to the winds...
Before the race of Man came to be, the race of the Ar'dun was born; beings of extraordinary power, spirit and courage. The highest of all beings, the Ar'dun commanded the respect and loyalty of their brethren. From birth, they were destined to lead. All that remains of their legend is the philosophies and teachings they left behind.
The Bor'dun. Ancients of the White Star...strong in spirit but well renowned for their legendary wisdom. Though time has turned them from sentient beings with animal qualities to creatures and beasts of a new era, the Great Beasts protect and preserve the balance between nature and Mortal.
The Cer'dun. The Gods of the Golden Age. Once a strong and united nation of powerful beings with good spirits, now a fallen race desperately trying to prevent the extinction of both Mortal and Ancient. Having sworn an oath to serve beside the Mortals, these deities remain vastly outnumbered by the Titans...