The drastic emotions he felt were unnerving. The aura that he sensed was filled with darkness. Consumed by it. The burning sensation of hatred filled the air. The shadow that had entered the room dissipated, and a figure stepped through. He looked very alike to Darren; broad build, tall...a long beard pointed...He could have passed as a relative to him. But the eyes. The eyes, which burned with an orange hue, told him otherwise...
Darren's heart pounded as the figure stepped forward. The emotion he experienced was felt only once before...the memory, while over two decades old, surfaced into his thoughts again, as he heard the cries of his mother, his father futile efforts to survive...the murders that he witnessed before he lost his mind...and he knew, despite the fact that it was a spirit...despite its emergence from the demonic skull on the pedestal, he knew...he was in the presence of the man who wiped out his family...
He was in the presence of the Devil.
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Darren Marrok meets the Great Devil Umbra, the ancient enemy of the Ancients, in mortal guise.