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hey everyone! before you start reading these imagines, here are some disclaimers about them.

1. this imagine book is only for fem readers, no one else.

2. you can request imagines! i will post a part in the book at some point in time that is labeled requests, and you can request any imagine that you want! requests will always be open! but, keep in mind, i might not get to all of the requests around the time that you send the request, but ill try my best to write the imagine that you want!

3. at the beginning of the imagine, i will put any warnings needed, if the story is angst, fluff, or both, and what the plot of the story is.

4. the point of views will change sometimes in the imagines, so it could be in your point of view, one of the member's point of view, or it could be in a third person point of view.

5. please do not copy any of my work. (obviously).

6. all work is fictional, do not take it seriously!

these are all of the disclaimers! thank you for reading this and enjoy these imagines!

NewJeans IMAGINES (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now