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The dawn had started, and Test Tube was feeling extremely tired as she got startled awake by banging. She assumed it was Lightbulb, but God forbid she see her again, so she happily gaslighted herself into believing it was someone at the door!! She waddled over to the mirror and tidied herself up to seem more professional, and went up the tube. She, surprisingly, saw the worst duo ever.

"Hi Knife!... and Trophy!"

Trophy rolled his eyes at her.
"Yeah, whatever, hi. Knife saw your stupid poster in the lobby and practically begged me to take him to the vending machine. He even got on his knees!"

"No, I didn't."

"Yes, you did, twink."

She listened to them bicker for a while before clearing her throat so they would actually look at her, and she started talking.
"So, as you know, you're here for enlightenment, and I have the solution. All you need to do is follow me. Do you agree?"

"Ughhh, it sounds boring!"

Of course, Trophy had to chime in with something so whiney that it would kill you on a second listen.

Her eye twitched slightly.
"Then why are you here."

Knife stepped between them, expecting a fight.
"I asked him to come in case it's all bull and you're all sketchy. Thankfully, you don't seem too out of it."

"She's ALWAYS out of it, dumbass. She just disguises it with smart words and shit."

"You are literally the worst person I've ever met."

Test Tube seemed confused.
"Wait- why'd you ask him to come if you hate him? That doesn't make much sense.."

Knife immediately turned to her.
"Because he's probably the strongest one in the hotel!"


"I am going to literally KILL YOU. I don't like you one way or another. You're just buff. That's a fact."



Test Tube tapped them both, gesturing to shut up and follow her, and lead them into the lab. She tried to steer them clear of Lightbulb. It's not like she'd want to go near her anyway. After a moment, she grabbed two drinks from her container, mixed them, and then poured them into separate glasses. She offered them to the men, who hesitantly grabbed them.

"There! Your trip to paradise."

Trophy giggled.


"Whatever, nerd."

She felt a bit attacked by that comment!!
"Whatever, jeepers."

As the two drank in unison, both finishing pretty quickly, they both seemed to feel intense pain in their heads for a bit. Trophy glared at her, and Knife just stared at the floor, shaking.

"Wh- what the hell??"

As quickly as the effects started, they ended, the both of them collapsing onto the floor. Test Tube gasped slightly, but reassured herself that everything would be fine and rushed them to the cells, deciding on two different ones for reasons one couldn't POSSIBLY know. She placed them down as their mouths seemed to leak blood slightly and waited outside the cells. Lightbulb was watching Test Tube as she tried her best not to look back at her.

"Testy? Why did you do that?"

"Well- b-because they wanted it."

"...I didn't want this."

FORCE OF HABIT [An Evil Test Tube Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now