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Another sunrise to herself, thought Test Tube. She honestly expected a free day again, but she realized how unprotected everyone was and decided against going outside today. Besides, she already did her [now weekly] to-dos. There's really nothing else to do for now.

She got up and got dressed eventually, after maybe an hour of contemplating what to do for today. She had decided that she's try something new with the next person! Or, rather, something old. It'll take quite a second.

As she finished putting her hair into a ponytail, she heard banging. Her hearing was.. slightly better, so she could tell it was from the chambers. She sighed and headed off there. After getting to where the noise came from, she looked pleasantly surprised.


"Oh, hi."

He wasn't banging on the walls or anything similar to that, thank goodness. He was just the only one up, and impatience is a bitch, so he was knocking on the side of his chamber to wake the others up. She checked her watch. It is.. so, so early.

"Why are you up??"

"I was just gonna ask YOU! I'm always up at this time! Did you not realize?"

"Not really, I kind of assumed you were just tired from.. whatever, really. You should really get some rest before you turn into an owl."


"Like.. becoming nocturnal."

"Oh. Yeah, I guess you're right."

Suddenly, there was a buzz from her pocket. Two, actually. Her phone. She checked it, and it was a text from someone. The number was unknown.

'hey testtube!!! its fan, hope ur ok!!!!!! might visit u in that rickety ol vendering machine :]'

'vending* srry autocorrect'

She responded with a picture of a cat with a party hat. Might as well save his contact info in her phone while she can. Trophy looked confused.

"Did someone text you? Who?"

"Just Fan."

"..Ohhhh. I get it. You two-"

"Not like that."


She shrugged at him, even though her face didn't look the part, and she walked to her bed again. She looked in her mirror for a second, sighing. This is tough to keep up. A knock sounded from up high. She rushed up there.



He hugged her tightly, smiling. Then, his smile faltered.

"So.. how are you?"

"God, I wish I knew the answer. Everything's been so confusing."

Fan suddenly got a little more serious, his face showing concern.
"Okay, uh, Test Tube? I'm gonna need you to be serious with me."

"Hm? What is it?"

"You- After our talk.. did you- uh- you know.. take someone else?"

She gasped quietly. Oh my god. She completely forgot! Crap. Fan's going to absolutely hate her for this. She gave a small, nervous giggle.
"Uh.. you're never going to believe this, but-"

"You took Balloon. I know. I saw him leaving the hotel and he didn't come back today. That's the whole reason I'm here right now. Why did you do that?? I thought we talked, I thought that you would stop it! Could you not just try??"

"But he found out about me! I couldn't just allow him to tell everyone, I wasn't thinking!"

"So you didn't stop and consider that you could do something OTHER than kidnapping him?? What's wrong with you?? You're- I thought I could fix you!"

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