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Another day awoken to banging from the cells. Test Tube groaned as she stood to get ready for the day, just in case. It was obvious this time that it wasn't from above, because she had heard it throughout the night and into the early hours of the morning. Someone isn't happy. As she finished tidying herself up, putting her hair into a slightly messy ponytail, she headed for the cells.

She stopped right outside, the horrible banging still continuing from in. It was still a bit tough to be in that hall in the first place. The guilt she felt for what she had done to these people ate at her. She knew them well, and them to her, and she betrayed them. She started thinking, reassuring herself once more before entering.

I'll find my answer.
I'll find out just what the limits of science truly are.
This is all for the greater good.
I'm not a monster.
I'm helping.
They'll understand soon enough.

She slowly walked inside, glancing at everyone. She couldn't hear it from outside over all the banging, but someone was talking as well.

"You're making it hard to sleep, stop it! The glass won't break anytime soon. At least, I don't think so. Are you even listening to me??"
The voice was raspy, with a heavy undertone of anger. It was obvious they were trying to stay as calm as possible, but they were failing miserably.

Lightbulb, who was in the cell right beside where Test Tube stood, started speaking to her, a smile evident on her face.
"Testy! You slept for a long time, you know that? Knife's trying to get Apple to stop banging on the wall, but she isn't paying attention to him. She's been doing that ever since last night. I'm kinda worried about her."

Her voice was quick, but Test Tube understood most of it. She gave a small, reluctant smile back, which made Lightbulb look the happiest she's been since coming here.
"I'll go check it out, thanks, Lighty."

"No problemo!!"

Test Tube continued down the hall [past Trophy, who was still sleeping somehow], and stood between Apple and Knife's chambers. Knife was staring at the wall between the two of them, still asking Apple to calm down, while Apple was..
"Oh my gosh."

Apple was banging on the walls, alright, but her hands looked horrible and bloody. It looked like she tried to break it in any way possible, and most of the skin on her knuckles and on the sides of her palms had been scraped off. There was blood trickling down her hands and dripping onto the cold, metal floor. Test Tube involuntarily covered her mouth and stared at her. Apple looked up at her, finally noticing that she was there. Her eyes were wet with tears as a small, shy smile grew on her face. Test Tube unlocked the door, rushing inside the cell and grabbing both of Apple's wrists, trying her best to be gentle despite how scared she was.

"APPLE!! Wh- How did-"
She tried to speak to her, the words coming out in panicked waves, but she had forgotten that she took away Apple's hearing.

Apple was staring at her, wondering what she was saying and sort of relishing in her worried expression. It felt nice to be worried about, even if it was your fault. She managed to slip out one small word.

Test Tube let go of Apple's wrists and rushed to grab her notepad, hurriedly jotting down her thoughts and things she needed to say to her. With a shaky breath, she handed it over. Apple read it slowly.

'I'm the one who should be sorry, Apple. You got hurt because of me, and I feel guilty. I'm going to get some bandages for your hands. Don't touch anything in the meantime.'

With a slightly confused nod, Apple held her hands out in front of her like a zombie, not wanting to touch stuff. Test Tube sprinted down the hall to the medical room, grabbing bandages for her. Apple could've sworn that she blinked and then Test Tube just appeared in front of her.

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