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Another new day awoken to by chirping birds. Test Tube actually had a decent bout of sleep last night, thankfully, which was nice. She had already written down the log on Nickper, and she wanted to see what the subjects did while alone before doing anything more. She sat near the doorway to the cell hall, listening in. Multiple distinct voices were speaking aloud.

0: "-and I feel weird. And hungry."

1: "That's probably because of the flowers. They DO need nutrients to survive."

0: "Am I gonna die??"

2: "Depends on if you're willing."

3: "Don't say that! We can't start pitting each other against one another. We'll lose ourselves."

0: "Well, you started that part early.."

4: "P- Marsh is right. We should try to stay as a group."

1: "I just wanted to talk with Lighty! Why does everyone always butt in??"

5: "Sorry."

6: "You don't have to apologize, Paper. He wasn't talking about you."

5: "Oh."

...Everything seemed relatively calm for today, but Apple needs her to check personally. She starts heading down the hall, causing all conversations to come to a halt as she passes by. She sat in front of Apple's chamber, smiling slightly. Once Apple noticed her, she grinned, rushing to the window and putting her palms against it. Test tube took out a piece of paper, writing.

'Everything OK?'

Apple stared at the paper for a moment, grabbing her notepad and scribbling out a response. She pressed it against the window.

'my arms hrut :('

'Maybe don't bang on the walls so much! You keep doing that until your hands bleed everytime..'

'it helps'

'How could that possibly help you? You aren't breaking out anytime soon.'

'i dont kno'

Test Tube sighed, entering Apple's chamber and hugging her. Apple hugged her back, slightly confused, before Test Tube squeezed a little bit harder.
"Apple, I love you so much. You're so sweet and kind. I feel horrible about doing this to you. I don't care if you believe me, but either way, you shouldn't ever do that to yourself. You're worth too much. It's sad."

Apple, obviously, didn't respond, still confused about why Test Tube is hugging her, but she isn't complaining! She waited for her to let go before doing so herself.

Test Tube was worried about her. This isn't okay. She shouldn't do any of this. What was she thinking? Suddenly, there was a knocking on the vending machine coming from outside, so Test Tube walked away from Apple, leaving her in her room. She went up the tube to find.. nothing at first. Until she looked down slightly.
"Oh- hello, Marshmallow."

"Hi, Test Tube! Sorry if I seem, uh, a bit on edge. Something's been eating at me for the past few days."


"Obviously not! Ew!! Whatever, can you just give me enlightenment?"

"Not that easy. Follow me."
She led Marsh down into her lab, grabbing out a vial and handing it to her.
"Here you go! Drink it."

"What's in it?"


"Are they actually edible?"

"Yes. Yes, they are. Just drink it, Marsh."

Marshmallow, a bit put off by that, reluctantly drank the chemical in the vial. She smacked her lips.
"Tastes.. weird."
A moment after saying that, she started to breathe heavily, holding the front of her head, seemingly in pain. She started screaming. Not this again. Test Tube waited beside her, calmly watching her as she curled into a ball, still holding her face, and rolled back and forth on the ground. Eventually, she did stop, passed out. Thank GOD.

After carrying her to the cell next to Nickper, prompting a concerned shriek from Paintbrush as they passed by, she set her down gently and wondered what to do in the meantime. That looked.. powerful. Surely not ACTUAL enlightenment yet, but it's possible. Marshy's probably gonna be out a bit. Outside the cell, she kept hearing distressed yelps coming from Paintbrush, so she went to check on that, finding Paintbrush backed against their cell wall, hyperventilating. They looked concerned. Or worried. Or scared. Or all three. Either way, Test Tube stood in front of their chamber, staring at them. They were holding their head in pain, similar to how Marshmallow was earlier, and they soon started screaming..

It was horrific.

Their gutteral screams filled the halls, forcing everyone to stare. Nobody knew what to think. It was terrifying to witness. They started scratching at their arms, their face, anywhere they could. It looked painful. All Test Tube could do was watch, unfeeling. Her guilt was near gone by now. She didn't feel anything for these monsters. None of them deserved respect. Only one was worth it in the end. Only one deserved sympathy. She wasn't evil! She wasn't evil!! She's just.. struggling.

After a few minutes of Paintbrush's violent reaction, they seemed to pass out. She went back to check on Marshmallow. Thankfully, she was awake! Slightly confused looking, but awake. She turned to Test Tube, who opened the door and hesitantly stepped inside. Marsh stared at her for a moment, attempting to make sense of something, before speaking.
"What's going on?? I- oh wow, my head.."

"Do you have brain damage?"


"Brain damage. Do you have it?"


"Man. I hope so. How do you feel, Marsh?"

"And that's me?"

WOW. That was whiplash and a half... She giggles sheepishly, contemplating what that means.
"..What does that mean."
It's easier to ask.

"Like, I don't know where I am. Or who. Or who YOU are. Speaking of, what-"

"Ok- you're speaking too much. I have a better idea of where to keep you. Come, come."
She gestured for Marsh to hold her hand, leading her to Apple's cell and letting her in, locking it after. Apple was ecstatic, attempting to talk to her. She was speaking pretty loudly.
"Marshy!! I miss you!!! Are y-you ok?"

"I'm fine, I'm fine. Thank you.. you."

"I miss you."
She hugged Marsh, who happily returned it. This feels like it should be a happy moment, but all Test Tube could feel was guilt. She felt bad for the two of them. They can barely understand one another. She did this. She did this to poor Apple. She did this to her.

A knock took Test Tube out of her thoughts as she went up to check it out. The first thing she saw shocked her.
Fan. Holding OJ's unconscious body.
"Just take him. Please."

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