2 - it always ends like this

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"That's all for today. Remember, you guys are in your final year of high school," Mrs Kim stated, "You guys should be preparing for your uni life instead of being busy reminiscing about your high school ones!" She said that and left the classroom.

Immediately after she walked out, yawns and groans filled the room. A few students stood up for a stretch, some immediately dropped their heads and went to sleep, some turned to talk to their friends, etc.

"I can't believe we just sat through two hours of math class. Not to mention on the first day of school" Jeno yawned. "Tell me about it," Jaehyun rolled his eyes, "and I can't believe she gave us homework already" Hanbyeol made a disgusted face. "Since when did you care? You never do your work anyway, always end up copying Hanbin's" Jeno laughed at the blonde, to which Han pinched his arm. The two continue on their bicker with Jaehyun chiming in occasionally, laughing at the two of them.

"Tired?" Mark asked Jieun who sat next to him, with her head buried in her arms while she rest on the table. "Hmm..." She hummed in response. "We can go get ice cream together after school" Mark suggested hoping to cheer her up a bit.

Ice cream was her favourite. Whenever her day goes bad, ice cream was always the solution. and Mark knew that very well.

"Hmm..." She hummed another, not really giving him an answer. "Wanna tell me what's wrong?" The boy asked another question, but all the girl did was shake her head, while her face was still buried in her arms.

"Is it because of this morning? That I raised my voice at you?" He asked and she shook her head. "Is it because I fell asleep last night on call?" He questioned another, and she still shook her head. Mark stayed quiet for a second, before really bringing up an important topic between the two,

"If this is about summer break, I'm really sorry okay" Mark apologize and then the girl immediately sat up straight. "If you were sorry, you would have flown to Bali with me!" Jieun rolled her eyes. "I can't believe you ditched me! This is the first time I spent summer break alone!" She continued to rant, "You know we always spent summer break together. always!"

"I can't believe you left me going alone to Bali! What happened to forever and always? You know this is the first ever summer that we spent separated! Everyone kept asking me 'where is Mark' or 'what happened to Mark' or even 'did you and Mark got into a fight?'. Do you know how annoying it was?" She vented as she recalled his promise to her.

"What do you mean, you weren't alone! You had your brothers! Jimin and Jisung went with you!" Mark defended mentioning her brothers, "Besides I already told you early on, that I wanted to work on my Internship this summer so that I can-" "Get ahead of my peers I know!" Jieun cut Mark off, finishing his sentence.

She looked him dead in the eye, she already knows how it's gonna end. He'll say something along the lines of "I'm really sorry Eun, you know it's for the best. You'll have me forever and always." and then with that sentence, she'll forgive him and their loop of the cycle continues.

It always ends like this.

Having no point of continuing this conversation she heaved a sigh, "Fine! ice cream for the entire semester!" "Your wish is my command" Mark smiled as he went it and kiss her cheek, his hands rubbing her inner thigh.

It always ends like this. Even ever since they were children.


Park Jongsu, CEO of Park Group, the biggest real estate empire in South Korea. Naturally, when you're a high-net-worth individual, you'd need a very well-renowned and reliable lawyer. That's where Mark's father comes in. Park Group has always worked side by side with Lee Internationals.

Needless to say, that's how the kids met. And the adage goes 'once a rich kid, always a rich kid' holds true, as it appears that most of the super-wealthy children inevitably find themselves attending the same prestigious international school. From daycare to kindergarten, primary school to extracurricular activities and now eventually high school.

They see each other all the time at events, family parties, in class, and after class. Since their diaper days, the two have been inseparable, forming a bond that has endured throughout the years.

The word goes around that they'll eventually wed. Thus increasing the bond between the Park and Lees, benefiting both sides.

However, the problem lies here, Mark has an older brother who is just as outstanding as he is. Hence the question arises—will Mr. Park approve of Mark as a suitor for his daughter, or will the older brother's charm overshadow him?

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