night dreammer

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jumping dreams

"Hello.Hello"I yelled

I don't know where I was , It was pitch dark.I couldn't see anything, not even a thing. Even though I couldn't see I stand up hoping I could feel something. I tried spinning around to see if I could feel something. But before I could feel something I dropped. It felt like I was in an elevator , going down. It tickled.I just close my eyes tight and waited for the worse.

The dropping stop and when I opened my eyes I saw a hospital.My heart just stop , I felt like I could fall out. But I just walked toward the hospital. Once I walked in , all I saw was blood. And It stunk badly

"what the hell" I mumbled to myself."hello hello, is anyone here." I yelled. I kept walking. It all clicked , this was my hospital.I ran to my room that I was last assigned. I started to hear screaming. I walked in the room to see my mom crying over me. I was in my dance costume, which was my solo costume. Craig was standing on the outside crying. So was many other family members.

Then It clicked again I had ran to the recital did my solo and passed out. Now Iam iam dead. All of the sudden a bright light appeared of course I walked towards it.















The golden gates to heaven.

Dancing Until I DieWhere stories live. Discover now