chapter 6

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2 years later.

It has been 2 years since Rose came to this world. That day after i passed out from crying holding my daughter, Marco rested too. For hours the kuja pirates took care of her and instantly bonded.

After i woke up and so did Marco they told us to stay onboard till we reached Amazon Lilly. I needed to recover so Marco agreed. When we reached Amazon Lilly after a few days surprisingly Hancock insisted that I lived there.

After discussing the matter Marco and i realised that it was the best option. She was a warlord and hence there was no risk of neavy unless she told them about my location. It would also be good to settle in one place without the struggle of going from island to island as Rose was just a baby. All in all it was the safest option and hence we agreed. Marco was given a small house on the other side of the island as he refused to leave me alone.

Over the two years life had been stable. Some months after coming to Amazon Lilly the remaining whitebeard crew came for Marco. They were delighted to see me healthy and meet Rose as well. They all had teary eyes when they saw how similar she looked to Ace. Except for the Colour of her eyes and her lips she was a spitting image of Ace.

It turned out they had decided to get revenge on Blackbeard for what he did to Ace and Oyaji. It was a payback war and they wanted Marco to lead it. After a lot of convincing from me he agreed. They lost but still gave a tough fight. After that Marco was in a depressed state as he was still not over Oyaji's death. he had been one of the people who were with oyaji the longest. It was hard for me too. He was my dear pops who adored me. He was like a best friend and also a father. as he had been sick and somewhere I had been preparing my heart for the day he would die. i still got nightmares of Ace and Oyaji dying but it was easier to get over Oyaji's death than Ace.  Ace was gone and he was too. If he would have been with me at least it would have become easier to cope with Ace's death.

To find piece and let out his guilt of not being able to save them Marco wanted to go and take care of sphinx island, Oyaji's home island. He was worried about me but again after a lot of convincing from me he agreed.

Life had been peaceful for last two years. I still had nightmares but not every night. They were still frequent but it was better than before. I still cried holding Ace's and Oyaji's photo in the silence of night when Rose was asleep. Rose had helped me a lot in getting out of my grief as I had to focus on her a lot. Her first crawl, her first time standing, her first step and her first word were the happiest moment of my life and also saddest moment as all i wished was Ace to be there.

Seeing his daughter crawl for the first time. Being happy when she learned to stand. Encouraging her as she took her first step and being the happiest person alive when she said her first word. He would brag about his daughter and show her off to the world. She would have been his princess and have had him wrapped around his fingers. But all this now only existed in my imagination. And this fact hurt. It always did.

Rose was the sweetest girl. She was a ball of energy just like Ace and also had the same habit of falling asleep at random times. She was very talkative and was improving day by day. I had shown her Ace's picture and told her he was her dad. She was sad that he wasn't there with us but she knew he was in a happy place. I never missed a chance to tell her how much Ace loved her and he was a great dad even though she never met him.

She called him dad and that was her first word. I had cried that night myself to sleep. She was very active too and she loved to draw. Her drawings were ofcourse very hard to understand but still I loved to listen to the stories behind them.

She ate almost anything. Just like Ace. Her appetite was much more than children her age too. She loved listening to stories and also make up her own. She also loved the sea.

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