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Niki stood in front of her. Hitomi looked up to him, too tired to even share a word with this jerk again. "Get out of my way." She urged tiredly.

"Did it hurt badly?" He asked, ignoring her words.

"Why do you even care? I want to go home. Get lost." She said and walked past the tall boy.

"I'm serious, I didn't mean to hurt you, but I still threw the ball hard on purpose!" He raised his voice for her to hear, when she was already a distance away. She sighed and just kept going.


Hitomi plunged to her mattress and sighed loudly. There were some used clothes on her bed and on the floor as well. Otherwise her room is small and very cozy and only with one window. Now the sunlight was shining straight to her room and illuminating it whole.

"Honey, how was the school day?" Her mother spoke on the other side of the door while walking up the stairs. "I'm coming in." 

Her mother came in her room and observed the place. "What a mess this is. You should clean it, and give me your uniform I'll wash it for tomorrow"

"Okay." Hitomi lazily responed.

"I'm making dinner it'll be ready in half an hour come then."

"Yeah, mom."


Hitomi woke up, but today not on her alarm. Her wrist is really sore. Probably from yesterday.

"Ah, what the hell." She held her wrist and got up from her bed. Hitomi walked downstairs and opened the freezer to grap something cold.

"What is it? Are you hurt?" Her mother asked while sitting in the living room watching TV next to the kitchen.

"Yeah, I just hurt my wrist yesterday in P.E, it stings now."

"Oh, why didn't tell me?"

"It wasn't this sore when I came home."

"Well, put some ice on it, maybe it'll help."

After a moment standing on the kitchen holding and ice pack on her wrist she headed to the washroom to get her uniform, since her mom washed it yesterday. She climbed back upstairs and wore her uniform and did her hair as usually. 


"Okay class! I have some fun news to tell you." Mrs. Kimura announced. The class was surprised and paid more attention to the teacher than usually and waited for her to continue.

"Since it's fall we'll be having a.... Field trip!"

The whole class started yelling in amusement.

"OMG Hitomi, i love field trips!!" Mina turned around and held her both hands in joy.

"Yeaah.." Hitomi replied with a big smile too, but didn't really understand why was everyone so happy. She has never been so big fan of field trips, but still loved those indeed.

"The price will be 2500 yen, it's not too expensive right?" Mrs. Kimura showed a beautiful smile, looking the already excited class. "Plus, there will be nice tasks for you, but I'll not tell them yet of course" She let out a small chukle. "Okay, let's start the lesson already!"


Mina and Hitomi walked out of the classroom after the never-ending period and was met with Yuma in the corridor.

"Gyus, gyus, gyus!" Yuma came running towards the girls. "Your teacher told you about the field trip right!?"

"Of course." They simultaneusly answered.

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