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Niki didn't appear in any lessons later that day and Hitomi was pretty much glad. She skipped lunch, because she had no appetite and just didn't feel like eating. Yuma told Hitomi that he tried talking to Niki, but for Yuma's opinion they should make up all by themselves.

The school day was ending, but not for Hitomi. She has to stay in that stupid detention, as if it would help anything. The bell rang and people started packing their stuff.

"Okay, that's for it today. You can go home now. Except Hitomi and.. where's Niki?" Ms. Kimura, their homeroom teacher said and looked at Hitomi as if she was asking her.

"How would I know?" Hitomi said.

"I hope he hasn't run away. Just gets more sessions out of it. Oh boys.." The teacher said with frustration.

Now the whole class had already left and Hitomi was left to sit alone in the class, excluding ms. Kimura who was doing something behind her desk. Mina said goodbye to Hitomi and wished luck.

After a while the backdoor opened again and Niki entered the classroom. He sat on his desk that was right next to the door, almost on the other side of the room from Hitomi's desk. Hitomi didn't pay attention and looked out from the window next to her.

"Where have you been?" Ms. Kimura asked Niki in disappointment. He stayed quiet for a while and then answered, "I don't know."

"You don't know? Alright then." She questioned Niki's answer, but then let it go. She took a deep breath and looked at both of them. They both looked in different directions and seemed rather tired and frustrated.

"The teacher that told me about from today couldn't hold a session for you at the moment, so I promised to substitute." She took a short break and then continued. "You know, I don't know exactly what happened in that hallway and I don't necessarily even want to know."

"The thing is that, we've been watching your behavior towards each other for months. I personally would like you not to be like this. I want a positive atmosphere in my class, where everyone can be friends. But, I won't make you apologize to each other, because I want you do that all by yourself in some point."

Either one of them answered anything, like Ms. Kimura presumably expected. She sat on her desk and started doing paper work. Now the room was all quiet except the sounds Kimura's papers made. 


Hitomi felt like she had been sitting in the classroom for hours, but it has only been about 45 minutes. The clock didn't seem to move. Like the time was paused totally. She just wanted to go home already. Somehow she felt weird. Her head was strangely aching and she felt as if she were in a dream. But it was sheer reality. 

"I think we can end now." Ms. Kimura finally informed. Hitomi quickly rose up from her seat and was about to leave. But something really wasn't right. Her head started spinning and she felt dizzy. She didn't move for a moment, but then took her first steps towards the door. 

Niki saw how Hitomi stood strangely first in front of her desk and then cautiously started to walk. Was she okay? He decided to delay his leaving for a moment to see what the girl was up to. Hitomi wasn't even close to the door when everything went black. 

A loud thump was heard as Hitomi fell on the floor at the front of the class. Ms. Kimura looked horrified and rushed over to Hitomi. "Hitomi!" She screamed.

Kimura tested Hitomi's forehead to see if she maybe had a fever and then shook Hitomi's body so she could wake up. But Hitomi was unconscious, she didn't open her eyes. Niki walked slowly towards them and asked timidly, "What's wrong with her?"

"I don't know. We need to take her to the nurse. Could you please carry her?" Kimura hesitantly asked, wondering if he would do that, because she knew they were angry at each other and even had a fight earlier today.

But Niki had no time to hesitate. He crouched down towards Hitomi, slid his hands under Hitomi's upper back and thighs and lifted her up. He repositioned his other hand, when it accidentally touched Hitomi's bare thigh. Sure, she was unconscious, but she wouldn't like that.

"Thanks." Ms. Kimura said. She held the door for them and led the way to the nurse.

"Oh dear!" The nurse said when they  entered the nurse's place. "Bring her here." She instructed Niki hastily and walked to the closest bed. Niki followed her and carefully laid Hitomi on the bed. The room was empty, there was no one. And it was late already, so that could be the reason most probably. 

"What in the world happened?" The nurse asked in concern and tested Hitomi's forehead too, like Kimura did earlier.

"She fainted just when we were ending the detention. I don't know why." Ms. Kimura answered, still sounding worried.

"You came just in time, because I was just about to finish my shift."

The nurse was examining her for a while, but she didn't seem to find anything odd when checking quickly. "I need to wait untill she wakes up. Then I can ask if she knows herself what could've made her faint. Like, malnutrition or dehydration."

Ms. Kimura felt relieved. She believed that Hitomi was in safe hands now. "Then, I'll leave her for you. I'm actually in a hurry. Make sure she gets home safe." She said.

"I will." The nurse responded.

The teacher left and now it was just the three of them. Niki only stared at the unconscious Hitomi. He didn't know what to do or say. 

Could it be my fault? Did I shove her to the lockers too hard and something resulted from it? I don't know.. Would that be possible? No, there's no way. But still? 

"Niki?" The nurse asked, when she noticed that Niki was just staring into the void. 

"Yes?" Niki replied, snapping out of his thoughts.

"Are you her friend?" 

"Friend? Um, friend.. I, no.. I don't kno- I mean, yes. I'm her friend." Niki stuttered. The nurse looked bewildered, but understood his answer through all the hesitation and stuttering. 

"If you want to wait her, take a seat there. It may take a while." She said gently. Niki took a seat from a round table a little further from the beds and waited. 

The nurse walked back and forth past Niki while doing something of her own, but then stopped in front of the table and looked at Niki. 

"You should cover that. Or should I do it? I'm the nurse here." She said and gently stroked Niki's cheek, where was the wound that Hitomi caused earlier. 

"It's alright. It'll heal on it's own." Niki said. 

"So I will do it." The nurse decided and took some supplies and sat next to Niki. He didn't debate about it anymore and let her do it. Niki was actually really close with the nurse. She was like an older sister to him. He has been so often on the nurse bed, that he has even gotten to know her more. 

"Where did it come from?" She asked referring to the wound. Niki glanced at Hitomi, who were still on the bed, unconscious. "I don't know." He answered. The nurse chuckled like she already knew his answer and didn't inquire more about it. 

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