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Soccer Team

"Ew.. today's food tastes like shit." Hitomi grinned in disgust while playing with the food on her tray.

"Well, it's free so we should eat it. There is kids suffering from hunger out there." Mina stated positively even though she didn't like it either. Yuma walked from the lunch stand and sat next to Mina. "Guess what, girls." He had a big smile plantered on his face.

"What?"  Mina and Hitomi both asked irritably, because of the food that tasted like water today.

"I got in the soccer team."

"What!" Hitomi's mood changed to a surprise.

"That's amazing Yuma!" Mina said.

"I know, I'm so excited." He smiled widely.

"How did you get there?" Hitomi inquired. Yuma tilted his head, trying to come up with a lie.

Should I tell the truth? No.. She'd choke me with her chopsticks.. Definitely, no.

"Uum.. they were looking for new members and.. the soccer team boys in my class asked me to join. So I said yes." Yuma showed a smile, hoping she can't see through him.

"Well that's nice." Hitomi gazed back at her food and picked up some rice to eat with her chopsticks. Yuma quietly let out the breath he held while lying.

It was perfect

"You gyus wanna hang out today at my house? My mom misses you, Yuma." Hitomi suggested.

"She misses me!" Yuma grapped his cheeks acting like he was plushing. "I know I'd be the perfect son-in-law, that's why every mother likes me."

Hitomi gave him a blank stare, "Yeah, Mina let's hang out. Yuma is not invited." She sarcastically corrected.

"No, no, no! Forget it, I'm coming." He rose up from his seat and gently hit Hitomi's shoulder.


Yuma slammed his locker's door after wearing a jersey that was given to him. It had the number 15 on it. A teammate showed him his locker when he first entered the changing room. He has been there before, because of P.E, but never had entirely own locker.

"There you are newbie." Niki approached him and wrapped his arm around Yuma's neck like friends do and they headed to the field. While on the field everyone was in a kind of circle, ready to start the practice.

Niki shouted, getting the team's attention, "Alright everyone! Here is our new member, Y- yun.." He stuttered and then leaned closer the boy next to him and whispered, "What was your name again?"


"Yeah, that. Our new member Yuma! Be nice to him."

Few boys came to greet Yuma and do a hand shake. Then they started moving and began the practice. Hitomi was watching them from the audience seats, since it was her best friend's first rehearsals.

Ash, So annoying. Why is Niki acting like he is his friend. He's probably up to something again. But Yuma is happy, so whatever


Hitomi woke up from her nap in the stands, when she heard a voice calling her. "Hitomi!" Yuma came running up the stairs towards her. "You saw how I played, I'm good aren't I? Even the captain complimented me!" He wiped his sweat with a towel from his forehead.

"Yeah, you're good." Hitomi affirmed sleepily even though she didn't even see even half of the practice.

"I'm going to change now. And why do you hate Niki so much by the way? I think he's nice, and cool!"

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