Zach Varmitech's revenge

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Lash's pov
Chris called me in a terrified state this morning, saying hurrily,"Lash, Varmitech's certainly gotten stronger. He's got Martin and Aviva, and the Tortuga, i'm at the warp ring with Kiko and Jimmy."
I nod," K, i'm on my way, hold on."
I put on my shoes in a hurry and i leave a note on my sidetable and i text Nightmare in case i'm late for our date later. With that done, i head for the Warpring.

Erric stops me outside the ring.
"What's going on?"
"Varmitech had a deal with egghead. He's got the kratt brothers hostage and i need to help."
"Let me grab Silver, you go scout ahead, Don't do anything without us." I nod, glad erric's being calm about it for now as i put in the coordinates for the ring. The ring swirls with a loud humming and Erric and Silver steps up to my side and we all walk into the ring, the other warpring slowing once we're through.
"Glad you got here quick."
I nod, getting down in a sprinting position.
"Where are they, how much more durable are the robots?
Chris sighs," they've not called. As for durablility, i dunno, bout the same as a Badnik?"
I nod," ok, Erric, you know where to go, Silver, fly with me." I burst off, feeling my speed rush through my veins, Silver flying alongside.
"You doing ok Lash?"
I sigh."besides the fact that no matter how hard i fight, it only feels right to say that i'm hopeless to the universes whims? That it has it out for me so that i can't just move on with my life?"
Silver sighs and i shake it off.
"But i do what i have to do, Martin needs my help. I can't afford to break down."
"Would've it been what your friend Sky would've wanted? You locking your feelings away?" My eyes light up green as i ignore it.
"I'm just doing what i have to, start searching to the east for the Tortuga, Comm if you find it. Beacon if you need help." He nods and heads to the east as i head north.

I keep going north, further and further until i stop on canada's icy border. I pant, the cold cutting through my jacket. I perch myself on the cliff. I need to keep heading north, for some reason, something is pulling me north. I charge my boost, and i fire forward at Mach speed. Running on the icy waves stung, but i push through the pain, stopping on icy floes, and i see the tortuga, and i send out a comm ping, pinning the tortuga's location.

The cold was so distracting. It was impossible to keep warm. I boost along the floes, my speed barely keeping my body warm, but i already can't feel my toes. I rush to the tortuga, stopping on the warm turtle shell. The heat seeps into me and i feel my body shake and shudder from the competeing elements. I take in a shuddering breath, and i slip in to hide so i can strategize. I see martin, trapped in a curl form in his echidna form, one that can't easily spindash like that.
I zip over the cage and i pluck a couple of quills, my senses on high alert as i pick the lock.
"Martin,martin wake up. I'm gonna need your help to retake the tortuga."
I hear a muffled,"Whiplash? How'd you find me?"
I shrug,"no time, i need to get you out of here. We're extremely close to the arctic circle. I can't go outside long unless i'm just rawly running to stay warm. There." The lock gives and i pull it open, pulling Martin out, and he stands again.
"Thanks Lash."
I nod,"Zach." My one word said it all, that i came to do a few things.
He points up toward the front. I hear Erric land on the ship and silver alongside.
I walk towards Jimmy's normal station in the turtle's head. In there i see Zach, being guarded by several robots. Erric summons a spear and fires it, taking one down as i take down another, Silver smashing one V shaped robot into a pancake.  But i realize there's something vastly different as Martin rushes at Zach, only for a red energy sword to nearly  slice off Martin's suit. The momentum shoves Martin into Silver and the tortuga tilts suddenly to the right. I use my energy to make blades on my shoes to keep me level.
"Erric! Go find what's making us tip!"
"It's the controls, he's tilting them wrong."
"Ok! Sheep hearding time."
Erric and i dash forward, erric using his boots to fully advoid the red blade as i curl and it springs off with a flurry of red sparks. In turn, shoving Zach from the controls and i grab them, trying to pull us back to normalcy. Erric keeping Zach off me with heavy, Destruction-powered kicks. I manage to pull us back to normalcy, and silver takes over the controls.

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