Chapter One - The Music Club

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Namjoon is facing a dilemma.

You see, Namjoon has always been the brightest student in the music department. Even back when he was still a freshman, his professors and peers had already recognized his talent. Creating music just comes naturally to him, so making music is the path that he knew he would take ever since the first time he came across it. And he successfully did so. He faced no difficulty at all when he applied to what is arguably the best university in South Korea for music.

As a freshman, Namjoon was, and still is, loved by all of his professors. They kept on showering him with praise and comparing him to all of his peers who weren't as talented as him. Perhaps that's why Namjoon never had a close friend in college. Some of his classmates would suck up to him so they can invite him to join their group for some classes (and have him carry the team since having Namjoon in the team means that an excellent grade is pretty much promised for them), while most are very obviously not fond of him at all. Namjoon knows how these people talk behind his back. He knows that they are all jealous of him because he's the best student, even better than those above him in seniority, and everyone knows it, especially their professors, who aren't subtle at all with their favoritism.

Namjoon even got offers from renowned entertainment companies already, with them waiting for him until he graduates from college and maybe even after he gets a master's or doctorate in music. He also received scholarship offers, but Namjoon denied all of them because he didn't want to be tied down to a particular company and be obliged to work for them just because of the scholarship when he could probably choose a much better company in the future.

So Namjoon never bothered to have friends. Why would he when half of the people in his department are intimidated by him while the other half are jealous of him? That would not be a good foundation for friendship. And Namjoon is confident that he can survive college just fine without a group of friends. They would just cause unnecessary problems and distractions anyway, and Namjoon couldn't afford to divide his attention when he had such big goals for the future.

That's why when a freshman suddenly appears and unexpectedly rivals his popularity in the department, Namjoon is intrigued. And annoyed.

Namjoon became popular, and people disliked him for that. But this person, this Min Yoongi, who doesn't even seem as talented and hardworking as Namjoon is, is suddenly gaining all of their peers' love and attention. They are treating him almost as if he's an idol, which is pissing Namjoon off because what has that man done that Namjoon hadn't? Namjoon is talented too. Namjoon is pretty attractive too. Namjoon's future is already set for success, unlike his peers, who aren't even sure if they will graduate. Namjoon has all the qualifications to be someone people admire, but it didn't happen. But with this freshman, suddenly, everyone is capable of idolizing him and recognizing his talent without painting him in a negative light.

Namjoon doesn't get it. He really doesn't get it. That's why he's facing a dilemma right now. He doesn't know whether he should hate the freshman for being able to capture everyone's hearts when he hasn't even been here for half as long as Namjoon had or if he should befriend the man because they seem to be both very talented, and it would only make sense for them to be friends.

But Namjoon doesn't want to do either of them. Hating and befriending that man would take too much effort and cause too much distraction in Namjoon's life, and he's not sure if it's even worth it. Namjoon doesn't even know the guy. So the best course of action is perhaps to ignore Min Yoongi and everything that involves him so that Namjoon can live a peaceful life free from all tension and worries. It would be best for Namjoon not to care about him in any way at all. Screw everyone who is now treating Yoongi as if he's a saint when they were all out there, making Namjoon feel like shit just for being above them all those years. Namjoon heard that Min Yoongi came from a wealthy family anyway. That's probably why they're all sucking up to him. They probably just want the money, or they're afraid that Yoongi's family would retaliate if they even tried to make him feel bad. So it would be best for Namjoon to avoid all of them and mind his own business. He'd still be the best student no matter what happens anyway.

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