Chapter Three - The Dance Captain

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“We need an original song for this performance. It has to represent the university, so we can’t just choose a random song and base our routine on that. Do you know anyone we can collaborate with who can make the music for us?” their coach, Mr. Kang, asks the group of dancers seated on the dance studio floor in front of him.

Hoseok looks around the room to see if anyone is raising their hand to hopefully suggest someone suitable because, as the dance captain, Hoseok knows that this would be his burden. It would be nice if someone else could help out so he doesn’t have to take all of the responsibility himself, but as silence fills the whole room and everyone keeps looking at each other hopelessly, with no one uttering an answer or solution, Hoseok sighs in disappointment. When he joined the dance club, he thought it would just involve him dancing with fellow students with the same love and passion for dancing. He didn’t know he’d have to worry about finding someone who could make an original song.

Just as Hoseok is about to tell their coach that he’ll think about it more so everyone can leave because this meeting is fruitless anyway, someone raises their hand. It’s Yoona - a second-year student who recently joined the dance club.

“Yes, Yoona?” Mr. Kang asks, leaning forward from his seat and looking at the student eagerly. He probably has a lot of expectations since this is the only answer they have so far.

Yoona looks hesitant, but she opens her mouth to answer anyway. “I heard that there’s a really talented student in the music department. I… know a lot of friends there. Everyone knows Kim Namjoon is the best student, and all the professors favor him. They told me he’s even being scouted by numerous entertainment companies already, wanting to hire him when he graduates. He has experience with making music too.”

Mr. Kang smiles widely and claps. “That’s wonderful! Go and talk to him then. Maybe you can get your friends to help you since he’s in the same department as them, Yoona.”

Yoona laughs nervously, tucking her hair behind her ear and looking away from Mr. Kang. “I don’t think I can do it, Sir. Kim Namjoon - he’s just - he doesn’t have a good reputation. I don’t think he’ll like me talking to him.”

“He’s just another student,” Hoseok butts in, looking confused. Why is she so intimidated? They’re in college. It’s not like this Kim Namjoon would be a school bully who beats people up for looking at him in the wrong way. “And he won’t even do it for free. If he likes making music so much, he would want to do this too.”

“I’m sorry, Sunbaenim, but I really can’t do it. He’s terrifying. No one in the music department even wants to be his friend. Maybe we can look for someone else?” Yoona suggests, probably now regretting ever suggesting it in the first place.

“That won’t do. We deserve only the best of the best to make the music for our dance routine. If this Kim Namjoon is the best student, we will get him to make the music for us. And this would be good for the university as well. We will not only show them how talented our dance team is. They will also see how good our students in the music department are. This would benefit the reputation of our university,” Mr. Kang explains, looking set on the decision already. It seems like there is no convincing him to change his mind. “Now, where will we find this Kim Namjoon? Yoona? Do you know?”

Yoona nods. She suddenly looks pale. “I- I heard he just joined the music club, and he spends his free time there. But, Sir, does it have to be me-”

“I’ll do it,” Hoseok says with a sigh, crossing his arms across his chest. “I’ll go to the music club and talk to him. Don’t worry about it, Yoona. I know you’re scared of him.”

“Thank you, Sunbaenim!” Yoona exclaims, sounding so relieved that he doesn’t have to talk to Kim Namjoon. Hoseok doesn’t know how much of an asshole that man is, but he doesn’t have a good feeling based on Yoona’s reaction. Still, it would be better for Hoseok to handle this, not only because he’s a man and shouldn’t let a woman do the hard work while they’re all lazing around, but also because he’s the captain, and this is his responsibility. It’s good enough that Yoona gave the suggestion. God knows how much time they would have wasted if no one had any idea by the end of the day.

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