Bonus: Storm Beyond-Kaigaku's Backstory

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No one remembered life before then. They have always been in the temple. Sometimes kids came, and sometimes kids went, but nothing was wrong. The demon, Himejima, was a nice guy, caring for all the orphans. He looked blind with his pure white eyes, but he knew everything that went on in the temple. Sometimes, the kids would ask about the adults. Himejima said the same story each time.

Himejima: The adults treated you all badly. They left you behind, or they abused their powers. Adults are dangerous, and that's why I protect you here.

The youngest girl, Sayo, raised her hand.

Sayo: Wasn't there an adult that stumbled upon the temple last week?

Himejima's eyes seemed to twitch. The beads around the girl's wrist began to rotate.

Himejima: Do not worry, they were led out swiftly. Nothing will happen to you under my watch.

Sayo nodded along with everyone else. They all chatted about how cool Himejima was as they went outside at night to play. The temple had one rule and only one rule: never go outside during the day. Adults were more active during the day, and Himejima couldn't protect themself in the sunlight due to him being a demon. Himejima watched with a smile as the children played in the well-lit night. All but one.

Himejima: Kaigaku Inadama. Aren't you going to play?

Kaigaku: *Still sitting* No.

Himejima: Wouldn't it be better if you had friends?

Kaigaku: No.

Himejima: And why not?

Kaigaku: Friends are for the weak, and I want to be strong.

Himejima smiled, patting Kaigaku on the head. Kaigaku grunted and swatted his large hand away.

Himejima: Don't worry. Many have left this temple as demons stronger than they came in. You won't be any different. I think you could be as strong or even stronger than them.

Kaigaku: ...Leave me alone old guy.

Himejima: I'm going to keep talking to you if you don't go outside.

Kaigaku glared at Himejima before standing up and running out of the temple. The kids were happily laughing, running around in the lit areas of the clearing. Kaigaku frowned and walked to the edge of the clearing.

Random Boy: Kaigaku, where are you going?

Kaigaku: I'm bored. I'm going outside.

Random Boy: But Himejima said it was dangerous!

Kaigaku: Whatever. Besides, it doesn't matter because I'll come back before sunrise.

Without waiting for an answer, Kaigaku stepped into the forest. He grabbed a stick from a bush and held it out as he trekked through the forest. It was dark, but Kaigaku continued. It was more fun than playing with the other kids.

Determined to go farther than he had before, he sped up when his beaded bracelet got caught in a bush.

Kaigaku: Come on! *Tugs*

Kaigaku couldn't free the bracelet from the bush. Annoyed, he took it off, leaving it dangling from the shrub as he went deeper into the forest. Kaigaku looked around, seeing a light in the distance. Was it almost sunrise?

Kaigaku went closer to the light and found a small town. He blinked as he emerged from the forest. Kaigaku roamed deeper into the town, looking around at the buildings and the lights.

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