Chapter 26: Their Importance

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Tanjiro and Nakime walk through the halls, planning to give a bento box to Genya when Nakime suddenly stops. She closes her eyes and begins listening to her surroundings, opening them again to talk to Tanjiro.

Nakime: I can hear he's not in the room, nor is he anywhere nearby.

Tanjiro: Won't he be tired, though?

Nakime: Genya Shinazugawa is an odd one. The villagers barely see him and say he never shows up to meals.

Tanjiro: Well, we know a bit more about him from Hantengu. Why is it so hard to get the truth out of that Hashira, anyways?

Nakime: No one is sure. He's been here for the second longest, and not even Michikatsu, who's been here for the longest time, knows why or how he's a Hashira. He's certainly good in terms of strength, but as Michikatsu describes it, he appeared one day. We know nothing about his background. We don't even know his real name.

Nakime chuckles as Nezuko carries the bento boxes with ease, making happy noises as she ran in a circle. Tanjiro tried grabbing the boxes from her, but she darted out of reach.

Tanjiro: *Laughing a bit* What about you? *Turns to Nakime* Why did you become a demon slayer?

Nakime: With convincing from Michikatsu and Hakuji. We met a few months before Hakuji and I became Hashiras and they convinced me to become a demon slayer after seeing my desire to trap and kill demons.

Tanjiro: Are you glad you became one?

Nakime smiled as Nezuko came over to her, holding up the bag of bentos. Nakime takes the bag from Nezuko and pats her on the head.

Nakime: If I didn't, I wouldn't have met all my friends, including you two. Anyways, I have to go get my weapons. I'll be leaving in the middle of the night.

Tanjiro: *Disappointed* Oh. I hope we can see each other again.

Nakime: *Smiles* Same here. Young Tanjiro, you went up against an Upper Moon and survived. While Uzui might've escaped, and the mission failed, you survived. I won't say I'm not upset we lost so many lives, but just know you are strong.

Tanjiro: Thanks, Miss Nakime!

Nakime: Listen Tanjiro, I heard a rumor about a secret weapon that makes you stronger. I can't say if it's true or not, but maybe it'll be worth finding.

Tanjiro: I'll keep that in mind!

Nakime smiles and walks away, turning back once.

Nakime: Tanjiro, just know I believe in both you and Nezuko. Good luck.

Tanjiro watched as Nakime finally left. He felt happy that another person believed in Nezuko.

The next morning, Tanjiro sets off into the woods in search of the secret weapon Nakime mentioned.

Tanjiro: (I wonder what type of weapon it is! If it's a sword, maybe I could use it! Or maybe—)

The sounds of an argument interrupted Tanjiro's thoughts. Surprised, Tanjiro followed the sound and saw two people quarreling—a kid and...a weird guy with purple hair?

Kid: I'm not giving you the key!

???: But I said please.

Kid: It's from my ancestors and it's very important to me!

???: I want to try it!

Kid: NO!

Tanjiro: *Watching from afar* (Wait...that man's a Hashira! I think Rui said he was called...Gyokko Managi the...Fish Hashira...? How many Hashiras came to this village!?)

Gyokko: Please.

Kid: I'm not teaching you how to use it!

Gyokko: Is it too much to ask nicely?


Gyokko: I'm being patient.

Kid: Get out of here!

Tanjiro: (It looks like they're fighting. Should I be eavesdropping? But if it's a real fight, should I do something about it?)

Gyokko was visibly upset as he reached his hand behind him. He was wearing a large pack. Tanjiro immediately knew what was about to happen.

Tanjiro: HEY! Stop that!

Tanjiro rushes forward as Gyokko throws the pot at the kid. He lunges and grabs the pot midair, landing shoulder first onto the ground. Tanjiro grunted and glared at Gyokko as he stood up, tossing the pot aside as it rolled on the ground.

Tanjiro: You can't just throw a pot at a kid just because they refuse something!

Gyokko: *Rolls his eyes* Don't worry, it won't hurt.

Tanjiro: That's not the point! The point is you shouldn't—

Tanjiro didn't finish when Gyokko smashed a pot onto his head.

Tanjiro: *Brushes off the pot pieces* HEY!

Gyokko: Keep out of this or I'll use the pot I use for demons. They aren't as harmless as that one.

Tanjiro glared at Gyokko, but Gyokko looked at the box he had on his back.

Gyokko: *Points* You're that kid with that box! That was the one with the demon—

Tanjiro suddenly smacks Gyokko's hand and backs away, keeping himself between the Hashira and the kid.

Tanjiro: Stay back from both Nezuko and the kid!

Gyokko's eyes narrowed, but he didn't say anything else. Tanjiro turned to the kid, placing his hands on the kid's shoulders.

Tanjiro: Are you alright?

Kid: *Jerks arm away* Go away! I'm not giving the key to anyone! Not even if I'm tortured! It is going to break soon!

Gyokko: Have you ever been tortured?

Tanjiro and the kid looked at Gyokko. The Hashira looked at them with a serious gaze. Gyokko might've been described as looking ridiculous, but the pressure in the air around them was no joke.

Gyokko: Have you ever been laughed at, hit hard, ignored, jeered at, or anything of that sort to the highest intensity?

Kid: N-no?

Gyokko: Then how do you think you'd last torture? Most adults can't even handle it, and yet a kid like you believes you can? How foolish.

The kid trembled, but Tanjiro held his shoulders tightly, facing Gyokko and brimming with anger. Gyokko didn't pay any mind to Tanjiro's deadly gaze and focused on the kid only.

Gyokko: Do you have the skills to hold a sword and defend yourself from an oncoming attack? There's a reason craftsmen like you need someone to defend them. That's where swordsmen come in to save people like you from demons. No matter how good you are at your craft unless you can keep yourself alive, it's pointless. I learned that the hard way.

Gyokko held out his hand and looked at the kid.

Gyokko: Kid, just give me the key and I'll leave.

Tanjiro grabbed the pot from earlier from the ground and smashed it in Gyokko's hands. Gyokko looked at the shattered pieces in his hands before looking at Tanjiro again.

Tanjiro: Everything you said might be true, but swordsmiths are still important! They're the reason we even have swords to fight with! They might not have the skills of swordsmen, but they're still crucial! Both fight for the same thing: to help the goal of getting rid of demons!

Gyokko looked like he was thinking before he smiled.

Gyokko: I am glad you respect craftsmen! But I still want the key.

Before Tanjiro could realize it, Gyokko hit him on the side of his neck. Tanjiro fell to the ground and his vision turned to black.

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