the past (short)

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(Scene shifts to high in the mountains in an old abandoned shack as Y/N kicks the door open walking inside now out of his dragon form as Miki and Issei walk in behind him slightly shivering from the cold of the mountains top)

Y/N: "sit anywhere you'd like (grabs logs) I'll start us a fire" Y/N walks over to the fireplace setting down logs and grabs a lighter from the mantle starting up a fire as he puts a metal cover around the fire to keep the logs from falling out before walking over to a old fur child and taking a seat and for a few moments they sit there in silence

Miki: "w-who...what...why"

Y/N: "I know this must be confusing for you trust me I would be confused if I was in your position but you gotta trust me"

Miki: (looks at issei who nods to her) "just answer my questions"

Y/N: "as for the who I am your guardian angel in a sense"

Issei: "that's something my father told me"

Y/N: "gorou was a good man"

Miki: "you knew my husband"

Y/N: "knew him...we were basically brothers in the war"

Miki: "what war are you talking about about"

Y/N: "hold on Miki I understand this is a lot to take in but"

Miki: "NO don't tell me to hold on my son has some crazy gauntlet on his arm we were attacked and wisked away on you when you turned into a GIANT FUCKING LIZARD so answer me this what the hell are you"

Y/N: "I'll explain everything you see issei knows me as our school tech man because that's just a cover story for what I truly am"

Issei: "and that is"

Y/N: (his arm suddenly has scales) "I'm a dragon issei and so are you"

Issei: "I'm a what"

Y/N: "that gauntlet you used last night is one of the thirteen longinus more specifically known as a sacred gear called the boosted gear it's what gives you your mostly dragon side from your father"

Issei: "what are you talking about about I'm a dragon"

Y/N: "yes allow me to start from the very beginning 1350 years ago the supernatural forces of the world started a battle called the 'great war' and many people including humans devils fallen angels angels Yokai all went to battle there was bloodshed everywhere"

Y/N: (continuing) "during that battle there was several dragons that also fought there were the twins jasmine and neon then there was divinion and then there was me and your father and I'm sure you're wondering what their powers were"

Issei: (nods)

Y/N: "jasmine had the power of ice she was a master of it able to send entire villages into a frozen wasteland...neon had the power to take control of weak people's minds and force them into servitude she used to have armies before she died"

Issei: "what about divinion my father and you"

Y/N: "divinion could divide someone's power in half and take that power for their own while your father has the power to boost his power x2 every 10 seconds"

Miki: "but what about you want magic did you use"

Y/N: "that's the funny thing I was technically supposed to be the dragon who has the power to control blood but I never used it because I always love to fight in hand to hand not cheat with magic"

Issei: "what happened to these dragons"

Y/N: "during the war god and Satan were fighting and there battle caused a massive explosion that killed them and millions of races including neon jasmine divinion but me and your father survived but he was incredibly wounded"

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