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Nobody's POV:

"Dad, he will not come again, right? I'm scared!!!" a ten-year-old child cried and clung to his father.

"Honey, do you think this is the right thing? We should just contact the police and leave this city," his mother said, panic laced in her voice she is helpless all she want is her child's safety, her ten year old child who is getting nightmare and small injuries every night.

"No! The police will never believe us. Instead, they will make the situation worse. And about leaving this city, it's useless. He will still follow us. I contacted them, and they said we have to do this before midnight. So, don't ask too many questions and just do what I'm doing,"

the man said to his wife, He then began wrapping a doll in a black piece of cloth, putting it in a box, then into a trunk and locked it with a big iron chain.

"Done! Now, help me put this trunk on the back seat, Their office is not that far. If we leave now, then we will reach there before midnight. We'll hand over this evil doll to them, and they'll handle this, finally our child will be away from all this he suffered enough now he can sleep peacefully,Let's go !"

the man said to his wife, motioning her to help him lift the big trunk.

"Mingyu, don't be afraid, okay? Mom and Dad will come soon, so be a brave boy and don't come out of your room. Now, nothing will happen to you. We all will be safe, my son,"

his mother said, kissing the boy on his forehead,After giving him a last glance, his parents drove away to their destination.


It was pretty late, and the boy was sitting on his bed, looking outside the window, holding his plushie. Suddenly, he heard a weird noise behind him. His head snapped toward the direction of the door, but there was nothing. So, he slowly got up from his bed and walked toward the door. He opened it quietly and looked around, but no one was there. He was about to go back to his bed  when he noticed that his parents' bedroom light was on.

"Mom, Dad, is that you? You left him there, right? Mom! Dad!"

the boy call out  from his room, looking toward his parents' room. But he got no response. So, he slowly made his way toward their room.

When he entered the room, there was no one there. Suddenly, the door locked itself from outside, and the light was gone. The boy froze in his place and began crying, calling for his mom and dad.

"hello ,hello,hello my dear owner~~ my dear mingyu~~ heee~ hahahhahaa~~~"

a very familiar voice came behind him when he slowly turned around, his body frozen in his place, sweat forming on his forehead, he was not able to believe the fact that the doll which his father locked in the trunk was now standing in front of him.

"I just wanted to play with you, but you hurt me by sending me far away from you,  now you have to face the consequences ~~ hahahahahaa-hhahahahaa~~".

the boy ran toward the door crying for help banging on the door and struggling to open it but to his despair it was not opening, he turned around but what he see scare him the most instead of the doll there was a dark shadow standing in front of.

"Now, it's not the time to struggle anymore master, I'll make sure to make it less painful now let's go, say bye to this world, and welcome to my world master~~ your time is up you are destined to be killed by me "

with that word, he slowly approaches the crying boy who was backing away trying to open the door.

the shadow grabbed the collar of the boy, and started dragging him toward the big closet, after a lot of screams and cries the room filled with dead silence and darkness.

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