chapter -15

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Taehyung woke up from his sleep and looked at the clock hanging on the ceiling finding it's six in the morning.
He got up and winced in pain as his neck muscle were streched due to sleeping on the floor, rubbing his neck he looked at himself finding bandages on his leg and arms which were scratched due to the incident happened before .

" Huh? I remember i fall asleep...who done this??"

" You are awake master!?"

Taehyung flinched when he heard the same voice he heard last night and whipped his head towards the source finding the doll sitting on the bed staring at him with the same strange smile it had earlier.

" So it wasn't a dream!! This doll can really talk!!"

Taheyung gasped and stood up abruptly , backing away from the doll when it speaked up again making him halt in his place,

" Don't be scared master! I cause no harm i just want to be your friend"

It says while slowly approaching Taehyung who was just shocked seeing the doll,

"If you are harmless and magical what were you doing there at the middle of night under the rain! Don't you have any owner?? And why you want to be my friend!? What are you exactly??!"

" I'm just a simple magical doll who got seperated from his  former master and got abdoned......
i was alone there feeling sad and lonely when you found me and i find myself new master and a new friend!"

The doll replied with a sad face , Taehyung who was earlier feeling devastated and was scared now suddenly felt sympathetic to the doll maybe because he was alone too and have no friends.

Taehyung thought for a while then slowly went near the doll,

"If what you are saying is true then....  let's be friends's not like my life was all happy with colours and i had lots of  friends,even if you harm me i have nothing to loose even if you kill me i don't care my life was already ruined,now  at least after aajhuma and my parent's picture i have someone to talk to ...."

Taheyung said with a sad smile  and shakes his hand with the doll's tiny one oblivious of the fact that the one with whom he his shaking his hand is none other than a curse devil.


Namjoon was in his room deep in his own thoughts when someone entered interupting his moment,

" Namjoon! Yoongi is awake  let's meet him"

The old man said with a smile to which namjoon face light up and he instantly got down the bed to meet his Hyung,

" Hyung!! Thank God you are awake now!How are you feeling??"

" Son! We are so happy you are fine! We were worried!"

Both old man and namjoon trailed speaked while going near the said male's bed,

" I'm okay now don't worry, ajhusi are you okay how's your grandson!"

Yoongi smiled seeing them worrying for him and  asked while turning to the old man,

" He is fine now though he was crying a lot yesterday but you know children they forget things soon so he forgot that doll and is playing with another,what you guys done I'm really grateful for that i don't know how should I repay you both"

He said with a sad smile to which yoongi hold his hand,

" Ajhusi you don't have to! It was our responsibility it's our work , I'm relieved your grandson is fine and safe  now you should just think about him and forget whatever happened "

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