chapter -23

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Third-person point of view:

There was chaos at the university after what happened to Minho. Students were murmuring about it in their class.

Taehyung was in shock as everything happened so suddenly. He couldn't understand what had occurred, He remembers he was just talking to his classmates when he turned around and saw Minho in a terrible condition. Taehyung had always hated Minho for what he did to him, but he never wished for something like that to happen.

"He is not worth your thoughts so stop thinking about him. You'll just tense yourself,"

jungkook said seeing how worried the other was,

Taehyung didn't argue because he could tell that jungkook don't care about what happens to Minho.

"By the way, what did that girl talk to you about?"

"Oh, she was discussing about the annual trip our college will be taking us to the Gwanak distric---"

" Gwanaksan there too...will you go there?

He asked nonchantly somehow he is not liking the idea of Taehyung going to that place,

"Umm yeah, I never went to any nice place. I want to experience what it feels like to go on a field trips with your classmates,"

Taehyung said with a small smile. Jungkook stared at him, wanting to stop Taehyung from going on that field trip specially to that certain place But seeing how happy Taehyung was, he repressed himself.

After the class ended, they both walked out of the campus,

Jimin came to Taehyung wanting to ask Taehyung about the trip,

"Hey, Tae! You'll be going on the field trip, right?"

"Yeah, I will,I'm kind of excited about it,"

Taehyung replied while walking beside him,

"Yeah, I'm happy for you... Will he be joining us too?"

Jimin asked, staring at Jungkook.

"Yeah, I will!! Do you have any problem with it !"

Jungkook expressed his annoyance, his voice can clearly says he can't even bear to see Jimin, let alone talk to him. He felt irritable and had a strong desire to hurt him, but his powers weren't working on him, which made him even more frustrated, All he could do was send daggers towards him,

And then again their was tension between both jimin and jungkook, Taehyung couldn't handle it so he just intrupted them ,

" Umm jimin i think we should hurry up and go to cafe it's already four thirty now ,we have to be there on time right!"

"Yeah right you should go I'm coming"

he said with a smile and giving a last glare to jungkook he left from there.

" Umm why do you always like this towards jimin!? "

Taehyung asked releasing a sigh he didn't understand why jungkook always talk so rudely with him ,

" He isn't a good guy,you shouldn't be close to him !"

" But why !? He is my friend!"

" And i? Aren't i your best friend!! You have me right than why you still talking to him!"

" What!?

" I'm telling you to break your friendship with him he isn't a good guy!"

"What!What do you mean!? You just suddenly came to my life and now you are just telling me not to talk to him and don't do this don't do that! Shouldn't I be staying away from you!! I didn't said this for a while but I was quiet because you helped me out and I was grateful but you also brought many problems with you , after you came to my life I'm suddenly seeing ghost everywhere they always try to hurt me they try to talk to me and it's scary not to mention but I'm not seeing my parents in my dream but just a weird dream of person who i don't even know and you are saying i should stay away from jimin!"

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