Part 4

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I heard my name being called. "Morgan! Come here!"

I slowly rose from my comfortable bed. What had I done now. I was always getting the blame, even though the majority of the time it wasn't my fault.

I made my way from my room, down the stairs to the kitchen where I had orginally seen my mum.

I walked in to find my mum still playing around the dishes and my brother was getting something from the fridge. 


"Oh, your dad and I are both busy tomorrow. Can one of you look after Stace?"

I turned to my brother, who quite obviously didn't want to look after her by the look on his face.

"I don't wanna do it. I've got plans." Kevin stated

"Well, so have I. You know Sunday is my day off. Plus I looked after her last time." I retorted

"I don't care who it is. One of you just look after your little sister for a few hours." My mum replied, with annoyance in her voice.

I could feel Kevin's stare on me. I knew he wouldn't give up, so I thought I should get something out of it.

"Ok Kev, I'll look after Stace. If, you look after her next time. And. Get me and the girls into that new club your friend works at..."

I could tell that he was thinking it over. It didn't take long for him to answer me.

"Ok, deal. I'll take her next time and get you in. But."

I knew there would be a but. There always was with Kevin.

"You have to get me a drink when we get there." His signature smirk rose to his face. "Fine, I'll get you a drink."

"Thanks. Bye, I'm going to Jack's."

He walked out the kitchen and through the front door. The door shut behind him. He was off. Happy with the deal he had made. On his was to his Saturday night fun. He was out every  Saturday. Doing what boys do best. I'd asked what he'd got up to once or twice and I'd regretted it after. I never asked anymore. 

"Thanks for looking after Stacey, Morg." I was soon snapped out of my thoughts by my mum.

"It's fine, I was going to go shopping. I'll just take her to the park afterwards."

During this my mum had left the room and went to join my dad. "Yeah, sounds nice, love." She called from the living room.

I grabbed a can of coke from the fridge and returned to my room.

I walked into my room to my phone ringing. The phone lit up with "Alex Calling"

I answered it.


"Hey Morgan, what are you up to tomorrow?"

"I have to look after Stacey again. Sorry I can't do any extra work"

"Again? Doesn't Kevin do anything? Actually stupid question, of course he doesn't. What is the deal this time?"

I heard his laugh down the end of the line.

"He looks after her next time and he'll get me into the new club if I buy him a drink."

"Fair deal I suppose."

"Yeah, so what did you want?"

"Oh, I wondered if you wanted to go to the cinema tomorrow? But don't worry, we'll go next week yeah?"

"Oh, sorry. Yeah, next week. But not another action or horror film, I'm still having nightmares from the last one." 

"No, no horror or action this time. I've gotta go. See you Monday."

He ended the call. Alex was a great friend, work went quicker when we did shifts together. I could have done with spending the day with him as I needed someone who would listen but I couldn't let down Stace.

My door swung open and my 6 year old sister appeared. 

"Mum told me that you're taking me shopping tomorrow. I'm glad it's not Kevin, he always tells me to buy Batman instead of Snow White."

"Well, good job I'm taking you then. Right now off to bed. Night."

"Night Morg."

She skipped from my room with her teddy bear in hand, closing the door behind her.

Once she had disappeared, I put in my headphones and logged onto tumblr. The only place to show my true feelings.

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