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POV: Kokichi

Basically Vee struggling not to just copy/paste the prologue for Shuichi's statements-


"I-Is it for a c-court tr-trial?" Shuichi said as a shaky response. "If it'll get you to answer, then yes," I lied. Well, it might end up being used in one if charges are ever brought, but that's for the future.

"U-Ummm, okay then? I-I don't know how to explain i-it, give me a m-moment," he stuttered. Based on his expression, there seemed to be some battles going on inside his head. Weather that be with his memory or with something else, I'm not sure.

Do you ever just look at someone and wonder: what is going on inside their head?

He gave a shaky sigh before attempting to begin: "O-Okay, well... wait, how far back do you want me to go?" "Everything leading up to what caused them to die," I said. "Ah, of c-course."

"Well, I was out getting some groceries for my Aunt, she often had me go get them for her since she couldn't take the heat very well. Couldn't have been past 2:30 in the afternoon. I was walking back with the bags in my hands, but ever since I'd left the store I'd noticed a white van trailing b-behind me... I had a feeling that something about it was off, but just because my mind had been working on a missing pet case earlier thought it was just overreacting."

"T-Then suddenly it pulled up beside me and s-some people jumped out and pulled me in. I-I'm pretty sure they chloroformed me because the next thing I remember I was stuck in some dark room tied to a chair. Th-the only light in the room were from fl-flashlights some Remnants were holding to their faces so I could see their swirling eyes staring a-at me..." at the mention or perhaps the memory replaying in his head, he started to shiver and hug himself with his arms.

"What was so scary about about some people watching you? Did they have a gun or something?"

"...do you remember reading an article not too long before the war began that mentioned how an amateur detective managed to solve a murder case before the police could?" He asked me. "Now that you mention it, I do. They didn't say the Detective's name for the sake of their privacy, but I remember the news made a really big deal about it."

"Well, I was the unnamed detective. After I solved it, it turned out the culprit had wanted revenge because the 'victim' had done some unspeakable things to the culprit's family. The culprit definitely didn't like me, and we eventually came face to face with each other. H-He looked at me with a stare that could probably penetrate three layers of brick. T-That stare...it did something to me, and I haven't been comfortable with being stared at in the eye since..."

Well, that certainly explains a lot-

"A-Anyway, I didn't like a single pair of eyes staring at me like that. But more than a dozen? I-It was causing me to p-panic..." "Based on what you just told me, seems reasonable. But what does this have to do with the death of your Aunt and Uncle?" I asked him, confused on how this has anything to do with it. "I-I'm getting there, hang on a s-second."

"A-Anyway, they must have been staring at me in there for about fifteen minutes before the door to the room opened and she walked in. I couldn't even see her silhouette at first w-while my eyes adjusted to the light. You've probably seen her in the n-news, but she's even more t-terrifying in real life! H-Her nails were long and sharp like red claws, h-her pigtails bounced excitedly as thought she was a small child getting ice cream, and her bright white and red swirling eyes made me feel like her prey..." Oh what I would give to have him meet Ryoko...

"F-For the next hour or so, I was slashed and stabbed, over and over. I'm surprised I didn't lose consciousness. During the entire time the Remnants in the room kept staring that same stare at me, even Enoshima-Sama was staring at me in a similar way but with more excitement. Finally, I guess either tired or hungry, Junko called it quits for that moment but said she'd be back after a lunch break-"

Despair-ful Detective| Saioma Story| By WritingLikeVeeWhere stories live. Discover now