Chapter 3. Dean

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Hi. Here is a new chapter. It is a little short, but the next one will be longer, I promise.

Enjoy reading!

Chapter 3. Dean

After wondering through the LA train station, I managed to find a McDonald's, because by the time I got here my stomach was grumbling and knotting, and practically yelling at me to give it some food. And since mom decided no dinner for me tonight, the last meal was at noon.

After ordering a king size menu, I started shoving the fries down my throat, and almost choked when I noticed the guy I bumped into in the train waiting in line to buy himself some food. He didn't seem to have noticed me, so I took my time to study him.

He was pretty tall, slim but toned, as I could feel when bumping into him, light brown messy hair, stylised like I-did-nothing-to-my-hair-to-look-this-cool-but-yet-it-does. He wore black jeans, and a dark blue jacket. His back-pack had a Chinese symbol on it, it appeared to be drawn there by hand. I still remembered his emerald eyes, and the way he looked into my eyes, like he could somehow see inside my head, right into my mind.

'Hi, do you mind if I have my dinner with you? The place is pretty crowded and I wouldn't sit with those grandmas over there...'

I snapped out of my dream and realized that it was Him. He was looking at me, his eyes pleading me to share my table with him. I can't believe how amazing his eyes are. Oh, and his full kissable lips, are just amazing. By the time I managed to utter something, his sexy voice tingled my years.

'Sorry, it is obvious that I am intruding, perhaps you are waiting for somebody. I'll just go, enjoy your meal.' he said, looking like he was having a mental debate whether to turn around or to give it another shot He almost sounded sad, or maybe that was just my imagination.

'No, no, it's ok, stay. It's fine!' I managed to finally say something. Great, now he thinks I am such a bitch. I just hope he doesn't notice my blushing, there is something about this guy that makes me instantly blush. But what am I crazy? What the hell am I doing? Allowing a total stranger to share table with me! But I guess it's a public place, he won't try anything, would he? I mentally slapped myself for not thinking before speaking, like always.

'Thank you, I really appreciate it. I really didn't want to bother you, you seemed so caught up in your thoughts. But I really didn't want to eat with the grandmas, and since there was no other free seats...' He started explaining, with the softest and sweetest voice I have ever heard, especially for a guy his age. He looks pretty young, perhaps the same age as I am, but nevertheless, his voice sounds so calm and kind.

'Shit! That didn't come out right! I mean it is not like I came here because I had no place to go eat, it's just...'

'I get it, don't worry!' I cut him off, before he manages to say another excuse. I felt like I could forgive everything to him. I really don't know what is wrong with me. If it wasn't for him, I would definitely feel offended about this remark, but his innocent face makes me feel I'd better continue eating, because I was still starving, and I should stop this stupid thoughts. It's not likely for him to like me or something, I am way out of his league.

We both ate in silence for a while. I must admit it wasn't an awkward silence, but a comfortable one. Like it was just fine being at the same table and not feeling the need to say some stupid things just to have a conversation. It really felt nice, especially because I didn't like to eat alone.

Silent dinners at my house were a daily rule, set out by Rick. He said it was a good behavior rule or something. I always hated this stupid rule. It's not like I loved talking to them, because they always considered I was too stupid to be able to have a proper conversation, but even so, being forbidden to speak was horrible. Over the years I have learned that obeying them is easier for me, so eating in silence became normality for me.


There is some mustard on your chin' the guy said, and I instantly started to feel the warmth invading my cheeks, and the embarrassment reached the highest level. I can't believe this, stupid Carly. I wiped half of my face, trying to cover my blushing, but I failed miserably. His smirk told me so.

'Thanks' I replied, with a trembling voice. I wish the Earth could open and swallow me right then and there. Out of all things, I had to look like a freaking pig, with good all over my face.

'Sure. You don't need to feel embarrassed, it happens. I am Dean, and you are?' He hold a hand for me to shake, smiling genuinely and watching me with that amazing intense green eyes.

'I am Carly' I muttered, shaking his hand. I was surprised about the warmth of his palm, and his gentle squeeze. I don't know why, but him touching my hand didn't frighten me, on the contrary, it made me feel safe, like he could wipe all the pain with one touch, like he could just...heal me.

'Nice to meet you Carly' he said letting go of my hand, and taking a sip from his juice. 

I couldn't help but feel a little sad for not touching him any longer, for not feeling his smooth skin in my palm.  

'You too', I honestly replied, rubbing my nose, and smelling his perfume that was impregnated in my hand.

'Are you from LA?' He asked with a relaxed voice, while folding the wrappers from his now finished late dinner. I guess he was pretty hungry, he finished eating like what, five minutes?

'Um... No. You?' I asked trying to focus this discussion on him. I didn't really want to talk about myself. I was way too ashamed to do this, to dig into my past. And besides, I promised myself when I left the house never to think about or mention my past ever again!

'No, I actually came here tonight for the first time, I am here for a new beginning'. His voice sounded again a little sad. Perhaps he is running from something too?

'We have than in common', I heard myself speaking, luckily in a low voice. I hope he didn't hear that one. Me and my nig mouth!

'So you are here for a new beginning to? Interesting. Did you come here alone?' Dean asked, sounding a little concerned, but smiling politely. I could watch him smiling forever, oh Carly, get a grip of yourself, stop staring at the poor guy, he will think you are some kind of freak!

'Um...kind of, I'm fine' I babbled, trying to cut this discussion short. I should probably leave, it was eleven in the evening, and I didn't have a place to sleep, no clothes, and this night didn't seem too promising, since I didn't come to LA before, and knew nothing about this place. 'Yey me, fleeing in an unknown place. Any great ideas, Carly?' I mentally slapped myself.

'I need to go' I uttered gathering the wrappers on the tray, avoiding eye contact with Dean. I actually felt a little sad for not hanging out with him anymore, but I needed to find a place to sleep. And besides, It is not like he would want to hang out with someone like me, so the sooner I leave, the better.

'Wait, do you have a place to sleep or something?' Dean asked genuinely concerned, getting up from the table an walking next to me.

'Ihim' I lied, turning my back at him and sprinting to the information desk to figure out some infos about a cheap motel or something, and maybe a ...job? Since my savings were mostly nothing, and I already spent half of the money, it is imperative for me to get a job.

As expected, there was no motel as cheap as I could afford, and obviously the lady there told me she didn't work for an employment information centre, so she just waived me off. I was pretty tired by now, it was almost midnight, and I was still wondering the not so crowded train station.

I decided to take a nap on one of the benches inside the station, and tomorrow morning I would start my new life, search for a job, or something.

I sat on the old brown wooden bench, trying to relax a little. The truth is I have been pretty tensed lately, well, I have been tensed all of my life, but lately I felt like I was going to explode. I started to take deap breaths, counting my heartbeats, this usually helped me calm myself every time Rick came home drunk and decided to take all of his anger and frustrations on me.

I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep, raising my feet to my chest and hugging them, just so I could keep myself a little warm. I hope this night sleep will be a dreamless sleep. And I definitely hope I won't freeze.


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Thanks. X

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