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E P I S O D E  2 7 [√]p a g e  t w e n t y - s e v e n  :  20 - 24

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E P I S O D E  2 7 [√]
p a g e  t w e n t y - s e v e n  :  20 - 24

ikaizen is by all means several points ahead. coach yanai observed the game with one finger covering his nose, analyzing each and every player on the court. he decided to mix his players with the equal blend of 3 regulars and 3 subs so that the substitutes can have the opportunity to put their observations and learnings to practice.

but ikaizen is making him feel like his team only got their points by sheer luck. his players seems to be on fire and determined and enjoying the practice match.

but honestly, that one loud kid from ikaizen is getting on his nerves. he glanced at the other team's coach not too far from him. "is he always like that?"

coach sobi sighed. "sorry. he's always loud. we've lectured him one to many times but he's — we somehow grew used to it." the woman pointedly looked at her player.

on court, ryusei slides both of his hands down his face tiredly, embarrassed for his friend. "senju. stop yelling." but to no vain, the white haired boy yelled once more. "did you see that!? i hit that!"

leaning against the railings of the second floor, haruchiyo stared at the ball of energy that is senju. he reminds me of someone. he thought to himself, glancing at rindou next to him who was sucking the milk out of the carton impatiently. rindou stopped. "is takemichi a regular?"

the trio shifted their gaze to the blond that was sitting on the bench. ever so elegantly chill with his legs cross yet wears a blank look on his face, his attention everywhere but the game.

ran smirked. how cute.

haruchiyo nods. "yeah, from what i heard. but i watched him play yesterday. he's ..." the boy trailed off, trying to find the perfect word as he narrowed his eyes at the blond. " ... perfect." definitely a regular was what he planned to say.

rindou nearly snorted the drink out from his nose as he whipped his head to the boy. "yesterday!? why didn't you wake me up!?"

"any normal person wouldn't wake up a sleeping person."

"seeing takemichi play is important! you should've woke me up!" rindou whined.

back to the first floor, coach yanai sighed. he faced takemichi with his hands on his hip. "angel, you're up next rotation."

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