3: "Use Somebody"- Kings of Leon

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Lakes pov:

"See ya tomorrow... bud."

The locker room door slammed shut behind me and I furiously stomped to my car. I opened the door to my new Ford F-150 that's been baking in the hot Texas sun all day. Sitting down, I threw my backpack and football bag into the passenger seat, pencils and papers spilling out onto the floor.

"Fuck!" I yelled, smacking my hand against the wheel before bringing both hands to my face and covering my eyes.

I start the car and muster up a deep breath. I grip the wheel, hands burning against the black steering wheel that's been heated by the sun. I reverse and dust blows up behind my wheels as I drive away from the lot watching as Cory stares at me from the door of the locker room.

My music shuffles itself and every song that plays reminds me of Cory and his stupid perfect face and his even more annoyingly perfect body. God I want him so bad. I've never wanted anything more than Cory Conner and his horribly buzzed head, big blue eyes, and awkward height.

For 17 years I've known Cory Conner and for 17 years I've always known he was the one.

I've known Cory my entire life but my earliest memory of Cory was when we were playing cars in the sandbox of the playground. Jeremiah Ramirez stole my bright yellow dump truck and the first person by my side demanding it back was Cory. Even then he seemed invincibly tall as he towered over Jeremiah fighting over my truck. Spoiler: Jeremiah nearly shit himself as he handed it back and ran back to his mom crying.

After that there's not a core memory that doesn't occur without Cory in it. Our moms are lifelong best friends so of course so are we. Forced to wear matching swim trunks at my family's beach house every summer, to play dolls with my little sisters, and to run down to the corner store to pick up candy for his older brother, we did everything together.

I can't remember when it was specifically when I started feeling this way towards Cory maybe it was when he scooped me up off of the ground like it was nothing when I broke my leg at 12 years old or when he promised me we'd be together forever as we sat on the beach watching the sunset last summer. But I know now that I want him.

One of the doors to my 6 car garage opened and I pulled in, parking in my designated spot. I gathered my bags and pencils and papers that fell on the floor. I stormed into the house, but not without taking my shoes off in the mud room first, and flew up the stairs past my fighting sisters and into my room.

My bags slumped off my shoulders onto the floor as I closed the door. I sighed and flopped down onto the couch in the corner of my room. I stared at the empty spot on the other side where Cory usually sits.

I pull out my phone and I stare at the screen that has 10 missed calls and 3 voicemails on top of a background picture of me and Cory. As quickly as I can blink, tears are blurring my vision and streaming down my face. It's not like me to be this emotional, I'm used to Cory not reciprocating my feelings. I'm used to him dating other girls and ignoring my blatantly obvious flirting.

For some reason today I thought maybe there was a slight chance he would feel the same way. As if I haven't made it obvious enough over the past few months when I've finally come to terms with my big fat stupid crush on Cory Conner.

I cried on my corner of the couch, I cried as I watched my phone light up one last time with a missed call from Cory and I cried as I listened to his voice mail.

"Lake please just call me back... I want to talk this out. I'm sorry for not telling you how I was really feeling... please just call me."

Cory pleaded through the phone and my heart ached for not wanting to call him back. If I called him back I would say something I regret. I would say something that could ruin our friendship.

So I lean my head back into the cushion of the couch and drift to sleep as the tears fall down the sides of my eyes and onto my hair.


I sit straight up, gasping for air. My eyes are basically swollen shut so I try my best to see where I'm at in the darkness of my room. I'm sweating and my heart is beating so fast I can just about hear it.

I squeeze my eyes shut as I remember the dream I just had. A dream where Cory leaves me behind, a dream where Cory moves on and has a better life without me in, a life without Cory.

I reach for my phone that still resides on my lap. Tears still flow from my eyes, I wasn't sure I was able to cry any more but of course my tear ducts fail me. My phone is now empty with no missed calls or voicemails but instead with Instagram notifications and a reminder to do my Spanish homework. I see the time as 11 and let out a sad, wet, laugh. I've slept through the whole afternoon and into the night.

I think about my dream as I stare into the darkness of the my room now dimly lit by the moon shining through my window. I think for about 5 minutes before deciding to pick up my phone and open the phone app. I stare at the name:

"Cory 🏈🌊"

And I think for another 5 minutes, and then another 5 minutes and then another until it's almost midnight and my finger still lingers over his name.

I wonder if I call him, what will I say? Will I tell him I'm sorry and that it was nothing? Will I tell him he's my best friend and that I never want to lose him? Will I tell him I'm hopelessly in love with him?

I'm hopeful and I'm scared all at once. So I decide to wipe my eyes and press his name.

It rings once, twice, three times.

I cry again because I'm scared. Scared he won't answer. It is midnight after all.

It rings a fourth time but is cut short. I pause and hold my breath, too afraid to say anything.

"Hello? Lake, do you know what time it is?" He asks groggily as if he's just woken up.

"Cory?" I reply as my whole body trembles and I sniff back a sob.

"Lake? What's wrong?" I hear his voice change and it's more clear.

"Cory I just..."

I just what? I just want to tell you I've been in love with you since forever and I'm pretty sure you're not in love with me but it's okay.

"I'm sorry for getting so mad today I just..." I pause because I know what to do now.

"Lake it's oka-" he started.

"NO!" I cut him off, "I just... can you meet me at the football field in 10?"

"Yeah" he said and I heard ruffling on the other side, "Yes I'll be there!"

I hung up afraid of what else I might say and afraid of what else he might say. I stood up, ran down the stairs, slid into my shoes, and ran out the door.

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