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She woke up to the sound of her alarm, and kept it off, turned around, heaved a long sigh and closed her eyes again. She would not fall asleep. Her mind would race into thousand thoughts but her body wouldn't bulge.
Finally she woke up from the bed and dragged herself to the bathroom, washed, changed and got to work.
She worked as a teacher. It was enlightening for some time but when she changed schools it never felt the same. She did not feel like she belonged, it was heartbreaking even to see her fall apart from the one thing that held her up. She did not show it to the children, at least not when she was in class teaching. She would wear her bright smile and talked as sweetly as she could. Nobody could tell what was going on in her mind, she thought. And if someone even confronted her of at least one percent of what she was feeling she would bring up some excuse and deny that. Just like how she did today when she met Mrs. Swan. She never liked the woman. Of course she had a silver lining but she was a total black cloud. Mrs. Swan had a unpleasant mouth when it comes to gossiping. She would sugarcoat her way into people's lives and extracts their inner feelings and exploit them among the staff creating horrible stories about them. Everyone knew of her yet everyone tolerated her. She came in a pack who all had the same or at least a percentage of her traits.
Not everyone was bad of course but she closed herself up from trusting anyone truly after the abandonment during that event in the beginning of the year. That event was a success and she was happy but was not for long. She lost one of the precious items which was a family treasure almost, it was not even theirs but that aunt's and nobody seemed to care or bother about that it was lost and it completely ruined her trust and the impression on the workplace.
But the students and some colleagues were a help, least of encouragement. She was very thankful to them. The item was never recovered as if almost someone from inside has done the job.

"Darling, you look like you're in some problem."
"Oh no, it's nothing. I've just not slept enough because of studies, that's just it."
"But sweety, your eyes look puff and the face has gone down!"
"Who doesn't have concerns teacher." She gave a fake smile.
"Anything we can do to help you? You can tell me."
"Thank you but it's really nothing."

She shrugged of and went back to her class. It sometimes lacked a lot of enthusiasm on her side when she was in class when the students were working but she would look up from time to time and try a smile to not to alarm the students of her dazed out looks.

The day goes on. Days turn into weeks and weeks into months. Things would continue without a change of course. It was always the same. Pretty boring as it is.

She goes to work, does evening tuition, comes home, plays a drama, eat, sleep and repeat.

Due to the fact that it never ever had a surprising element in her life, she would often fall into her sultry crushes and gets crushed from the vain hopes. Then when she gets crushed, she's brought back to
reality. Realises her reality as painful and suffrage as it is and she goes to sleep.

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