Soap x Ghost

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Soap's pov

"First rounds on me!" I smiled as we sat in the bar.

Ghost, Gaz, Price and Laswell all smiled and thanked me as I bought the drinks.

"Hey Soap, so how did that's dare with Amy go?" Gaz asked.

Ghost let out a grunt and we all turned to look at him.

He avoided eye contact and sipped his drink.

"It went alright. I don't think I'll be seeing her again though."

"Why not?" Laswell asked.

"I don't know." I glanced at Ghost.

He looked away from me and I sighed.

I thought sleeping with a girl would make me forget about Ghost.

I guess not.

We all spoke for a while and I glanced at Ghost.

"LT, you've been drinking a lot, don't you think?" I laughed and he gave me a look.

"I'll drink as much as I please."

I put my hands up.

"Sorry, sorry."

"We'll, I think it's time to go back to base." Price stood up and paid the tab. Ghost stood up, clearly drunk and he took his keys out.

He came in his own car which I don't understand.

It's been a while since my last drink, the alcohol has passed through my system.

"LT, sir. Give me your keys."

"Fuck off Johnny."

"I'm not letting you drive when you can't even walk straight. Come on, sir. Give me your keys. I'll drive you home."

He grumbled but handed me the keys.

"Not a scratch." He ordered and got in the passenger seat.

I turned the car 0n after buckling in and started the drive back to base.

I tried not to turn red and cracked a few jokes which were met with silence.


I turned to look at him and found him staring at me.

"LT? Is something wrong?"

"Did you sleep with her?" He asked taking me by surprise. He's not usually one to dig into other people's business.

"Yes I did." I forced a proud smile.

"Did you... did you enjoy it?"

"Hell yeah, sir!"

"Hmm." He looked away and out the window.

"Is something wrong?"

I was met with silence.

I pulled into the parking lot and helped Ghost get out of the car.

Eventually, I threw his arm over my shoulder.

"I wish it were me." Ghost spoke as I helped him to his room.


"I wish it was me you slept with and not her."

I stopped walking and stared at him.


"Why couldn't it be me?"

I pushed open his door and sat him on the bed.

"Come on, LT. You're drunk. You don't know what you're talking about."

I pulled his shirt off him and put it in the hamper.

I felt hands placed on my hips and I froze as I felt wet lips on my back.

"LT, stop, you're drunk. You don't know what you're doing."

I pushed him off and he looked saddened.

"Sorry, Johnny."

"You're drunk." I stroked his masked face. "I'm not sleeping with a drunk man."

"Why not?"

"That's not real consent. I'm not doing that. Maybe...if you're up to it when you're sober...."

"Sleep next to me at least?"

"As long as you promise not to punch me in the morning."

I crawled in next to him. We spoke for a while until he passed out.

We didn't even brush our teeth.

In the morning, I woke up to Ghost staring at me.

"I'm sober. How bout it?"

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