Ghost x Reader

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(TW: nasty divorce, neglect)

I set my phone down and then paused.

I picked it up and pressed the call button.

It rung three times before he answered.



"What do you want, YN?"

"It's your turn to pick up the kids this week."

"Ugh." He grumbled. "I'm having a meeting with the guys right now, this is what you called me for?"

"You're probably at a bar, you fucking liar."

"So what? What do you care?"

"I don't care. I just need to know if you're gonna pick the kids up this weekend."

"I have to. The court said they're mandated visits."

"You could at least pretend to love them."

"Why should I?"

"Because they're your kids. They're your flesh and blood." I grabbed my arm holding the phone annoyed.

"They're annoying. They always want me to play with them."

"Well yeah. They're 5 and 3. That's all they do!"

"They get on my nerves!"

I gritted my teeth and rubbed my forehead.

"See, this is why I left you! You can't even pretend to love your own flesh and blood. Not to mention you always going off on "missions" when in reality you were just having sex with other girls!"

"I'm not talking about this with you. I'm hanging up."

"At least tell me you're gonna pick them up!"

"I will! I already told you I would!"

"They get really sad when you flake on them..."

"Oh my bloody fuck, I already told you. I'm. Picking. Them. Up."

"You better. Or I'm taking you to court so you get no visitation and they raise the child support."

"AGH! Your always after they bloody money, aren't you!?"

"Well I'm sorry that I need to feed and put clothes on your children!"

"I didn't even want kids! You're the one that had them!"

"Last time I checked, it takes two to make a baby."

"I never told you to keep it."

"You never told me to get rid of it either!"

"I didn't think I had to."

"You know what? I'm done. I'm done with this call. Have fun getting drunk."

"Oh, whatever."

"I'll see you if you show this weekend."

"I already told you-!"

I hung up on him and set my phone down.

I flopped on the chair and sighed.

How did I marry that man?

We only divorced three months ago and he's already flaking, ignoring calls, blah, blah, blah.

He never gave the kids much attention anyway.

He always pushed them away when they tried to get close to him. He never played, he never talked or hugged them.

He always hated them.

And I never understood why.

The weekend came and there was a knock at the door.

I opened it and Ghost stood there with a sour look on his face.

"At least pretend to be happy."



"Daddy!" Anna, the five year old, ran out and hugged her daddy's leg. "I missed you!"

"Hey, Anna. Get in the car. We're gonna go see Uncle Johnny."

"Please don't tell me you're just gonna drop them off with 141 all weekend..."

"It's my week, I get to do what I want."

I closed my eyes and sighed.

"Mommy, is uncle Gaz coming over tonight?"

Ghost looked up at me with a frown.


"Anna, get in the car. JC! Come on, dad is waiting!"

"Yay, dada!" JC ran out and Anna helped him get in the car.

"What does she mean Gaz is coming over?"

"None of your business."

"I think it is my business!"

"Well then you'd be wrong. Now go ditch the kids with your friends."

"Mommy, I tied JC up! Look!"

"Good job baby!" I walked over and made sure they were secured in place before kissing them and closing the door.

"So you're fucking my team mate now, huh?"

"Oh fuck off."

"How long?"

"None of your business!"

"It is my business! He's my team mate!"

"I don't get why you care. It's over between us. The kids love him and I do too. And you don't seem to want to father them so he might. Now. Take the kids and go."

I turned and closed the door, locking it.

I smiled as I saw a text from Garrick.

"Is it safe to come over yet?"

I looked out the window to see Ghost pull out of the driveway and speed away.

I hate his driving.

I confirmed it was and he sent me two emojis.


I grinned and waited for him to show up.

But he never did.

I wonder why....

(I am working on the requested Gaz x Reader, I just got sudden inspiration to write this, so sorry.)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2023 ⏰

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