☆ Moving in ☆

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"That's the last of it! Enjoy your new house!" One of the movers said. Mumbo handed him what he owed. 

"Thank you so much! Bye!" Said Mumbo, waving as the movers left. He went through the front door and locked it behind him. He walked past the couch, TV and boxes of things. It was a small apartment,  but perfect for Mumbo. As he went into his room, there was a man, about the same age as him, sitting on the bed. 

"AHH! Who are you and why are you in my house?" 

"You can see me? Shit."

"Of course I can see you! Why would I not?"

"Because I'm a ghost. What is your name?"

"Mumbo. Mumbo Jumbo. You?" Mumbo had black short hair slicked back in a professional way, a suit with a red tie, and a very well-kept mustache. He had very good manners and was very intelligent. 

"I'm Grian. Grian Gotts." Grian held out his hand for Mumbo to shake. Grain had mousy brown hair, a red baggy jumper with a collared shirt under, black jeans, and converse that used to be white but were now stained with dirt and blood. He also had nice manners but tended to lean towards creativity. Mumbo thought he was quite cute, to be honest.

"I'm the first one to ever see you as a ghost?"

"Not quite first. Second though."

"Ah. Who, if you don't mind me asking?"

"A boy named Scar. But he's... gone now." 

The two sat in silence for a minute or two, the quiet slowly drowning them. 

"So. Where are you going now?" Asked Mumbo.


"I assume you're just stopping by, right? I mean, I only have one bed."

"Um. That's a problem. I live here too." 

"Great. My roommate is a ghost. Great company."

"I was here first."

"I'm paying for the place!"

"I'll lay on the couch. I don't exactly need sleep."

"Fine. Truce?" Mumbo held out his hand.

"Truce." Grian took Mumbo's hand in his own, resulting in a firm handshake. Grian's hand felt cold to Mumbo, since ghosts don't have heat.

"So. Um. Can I... my bed?" 

"Ah. Yup. Sorry, mate." 

"All good. So." 


"Wait. Why can I see you? Am I going crazy?" 

"Well, last time someone saw me they were in love with me. Just saying." Grain winked at the ravenette. The mustache man blushed. 

"No. I'm not- I don't- we just met!" 

"Were already getting along nicely." The brunette hopped off the bed and went down the hall, now actually moving his legs and hovering a few inches off the ground. 

"Do you have to float like that?" 

Grian turned around, leaning back a bit. His feet were bent behind him. "I like doing it. So what?" He flew over Mumbo's head "it bother you?" 

"No, I guess not. Can you help me unpack?" 

"... Sure, why not?" 

~467 words~ 

So. New fic! What do you think? I've had the first 300 words or so in my drafts since chapter 4 of A Deathly Secret, so I've had this idea for a while. Please rate the story if you like it, thanks! 

- Oli ♡

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