•Chapter 20•

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•Theadora Sanford•

I woke up cold and alone. I turned over to find comfort from Josh, but I fell off the bed instead. The fall shocked me, and I immediately sat up. "Josh?" I asked. I searched around my room to find that he was nowhere in sight. "Josh!" I yelled knocking on the bathroom door, and it creaked open upon my touch. The bathroom was empty, so I turned off into the main hall. "Riley, have you seen Josh?" I knocked on her shoulder.

She squeaked at my presence and turned around with a hand on her heart. "Yes, I did. He left early in the morning. He was upset about something," she informed.

I sighed in relief. I was afraid Bryce or someone else had got to him. "Thank you," I turned back and hurried back into my room. I dragged a chair over to the window and stood on top of it to climb out. The chilling air blew at my hair and I bent down and shifted. It was quicker and smoother. There was less pain. I stretched myself before I leaped off and ran.

I didn't know exactly where the cabin was, but Josh's scent was strong since he didn't use a masker. He either forgot or didn't care. I pounded through the forest with one person on my mind, and my heart set out to find him. I hoped he wasn't in pain or worse. My heart was pounding so heard I thought it would break free out of my chest and take a life of its own.

'Josh?' I called as I stopped in front of the house. I shifted back and noticed the door wide open. I helped myself and walked inside the house. I spotted a torn shirt. I quickly threw it on and followed my ears to the sound of crashing and glass shattering against the wooden floors. "Josh!" I yelled cupping my hands over my mouth.

I reached the opening into one of the other living areas and spotted Josh. His hands were claws and his eyes were yellow. I'd never seen anything like it. His teeth were canines, and he had no shirt on. I hurried over to him, but he stepped away from me growling. "What's wrong?" I asked as I neared him.

He growled in response, "Don't get near me."

"Tell me," I ordered as I stepped toward him.

"Thea, I don't want to hurt you. Stop now," his voice was growls, but I could tell what he was saying.

I stopped in my tracks and surveyed our surroundings. There was broken glass and torn paper all across the floor. A lot of the furniture was spread across the room ripped or broken apart. "What happened?"

Josh remained silent as his chest heaved up and down. He glared at me in anger. "He. Can't. hurt. You."

"Josh," I whispered softly as I continued to step to him. "He won't," I tried to reassure him. "Not now, not ever."

"You're mine." He growled reaching out and grabbing my arm roughly. he pulled me toward him with my back pressed against his chest. He had his arms around my waist and he held me tightly.

"I know, Josh," I whispered. "I'm all yours," I rubbed his arm and his claws poked at my flesh. I shivered as they retracted back into nails, and his breaths evened.

I relaxed as I realized it was him again. "I'll kill him," Josh grumbled. I turned around when he loosened his grip and I faced him. His eyes remained darkened with anger and I brushed his cheek.

"It's not necessary."

He growled, "Thea, you'll never be happy as long as he's alive. I'll kill him. You can't stop me." He ripped away from me and I figured his anger was getting the best of him again.

"Josh, it's okay. I'm fine."

"Thea, don't you understand? He will stop at nothing -- I mean nothing to be Alpha." He took my hand in his. "I'll kill him. he's done enough damage to you and to everyone."

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